The Basquo [E.S.S.K.] profile picture

The Basquo [E.S.S.K.]

I could never love a human baby as much as i love this comb!!!! - Chazz Michael Michaels

About Me

Guido's Failing - Watch more free videosMy names Justin.Im Basque and damn proud of it. I graduated from reed high school in 2005, I did the whole college thing for a year and a half and got bored with all that so i joined the Plumbers and Pipefitters union and am going through the apprenticeship. I really enjoy talking to people and meeting new people all the time, cause it gives me something to do. I usually just work during the week and hit the gym here and there to play basketball,and play softball.I like to party it up now and again on the weekends. I'm a pretty easy guy to talk to and i just enjoy a good conversation so don't be afraid to talk to me.Me acting like forrest gump...umm i suck at it but oh well haha

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" ....I am a pretty simple fun loving person, I really like to do a ton of different stuff. If it sounds fun at the time i will most likely do it. I love to play sports no matter what sport it is, as long as its fun. Its fun to play board games with a bunch of friends and family and get into huge arguments about who's cheating and who isnt since no one bothers to read the rules. I love to go to the lake and camp and play horse shoes and water ski and just boat period. I go golfing every once in awhile with my dad or some friends, im not very good at it but its fun anyways. I like to go off roading and just hang out sometimes because its peaceful and you can just sit and think by your self. Going to the movies is fun as long as its a cool movie and interests me, the drive-ins are awesome. If you have never gone to them you should go sometime its fun...This may make me look gay! but i think its amazing!!! .. The NICK The JONES The BRAD THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOUR ASIAN WALTY ARTIS....WORD BITTER BEER FACE OK THE J

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