If you have Aol instant messanger or aim, my screen name is minipaparob , just add me and say hi.
My wifes name is Alisha and my son's name is Jacob. We have a little dog named Baby Girl. She is a Chiwow wow terrior mix, Little toy dog. We recently bought a house here in Hanover. Not too shabby. Alisha works at Gettysburg Hospital and Jacob is 4 years old now so he's getting older and smarter. He always seems to amaze me. I left home in November, was in Ft. Lewis Washington for 2 months,and now in the Sinai (Egypt) for 10 months (hopefully not more.) These deployments are starting to burn me out. Shit Happens, especially to the worst of us. Makes up for whatever bad shit I've done in life. "highly unmotivated" I'll be home (Hanover) in roughly NOVEMBER 2008. Take Care, Rob