I have beautiful kittens in need of a good home! Help Me!!!.
..Life is what you put into it.
Interests Family and friendsVaried other interests include:
spending time with my sons, Tress, her kids, and my cats,
taking photos
fixing things,
computer, gadgets, technocrap
I grew up on comic books,
I love finding out how things work,
I enjoy learning new things and having new experiences, getting out and exploring the world around me. I enjoy taking pictures and I'm learning to become a better photographer.
My Music
Various including
karaoke, 80's, country, comedy, etc. I like what I like, usually a mixture of lots . . .
..My Movies
V, Most things John Cusack,
Spoofs, Stupid but funny movies, the Princess Bride
Comic book related movies (naturally),
Jaws, Tombstone, Highlander, Goonies, Lost Boys, the Howling,
the occasional scathing political documentary,
and many others. . .
..My TV
Dead Like Me, My name is Earl, Smallville, Family Guy Blue Havest, Robot Chicken, How its Made, CSI, Mythbusters, BTVS
as well as anything to captivate (as perhaps even teach lessons to) my boys. .. My Favorite Books
A Walk in the Woods, Darwin Awards, Comic Books (naturally), Harry Potter,
Stephanie Plum mysteries by Janet Evanovich, I am America (and So Can You), No More Mr. Nice Guy, as well as anything that can hold my sons' attentions.
.. My Heroes
see photos of my sons' walls ..