I love to draw and watch movies and ride go carts and play putt putt and go bowling and play pool. i also enjoy playing on my drum set.
I would like to meet jim craig from the man from snowy river which is my all time fav movie. i would also like to go back in time to meet a bad mama jama who knows how to work it with the down funk.
i listen to everything but if i had to pick it would be the funky disco feel good 70's music.
i like mostly all movies. i do not like the horror movies like the chain saw maasacre and the ones like ghost horror movies. i like action and sci-fi movies and mystery.
i love watching tv especially cartoon like the justice league or gundam and all the dc and marval comics ones. my favorite dc character is the flash.
i hate reading except for the Bible.
my heroes would have to be God and my parents and Tim Riordan