What's going on it's your boy Lyfestylez aka Mr.boston for those who still dont know.One half of the Pakboyz and CEO of the Tha Lyfe e.n.t.Right now the game's changed so much the grind is getting real serious out here,more competition and more talent.So while your in the race you have to go for the it all or nothing.Ive been freestyling and writing for 15yrs now,yeah i know "lol" alot of you
are probably saying damn and you anit blown yet.But ive been through alot of shi!!! and things that prevented me from doing what i was suppose to do.Im just glad the lord blessed me and im still here able to do this,alot of people ask me how can i still do this after so many years of watching the game change for the worst,with the death of pac and biggie and other rappers who bust there ass to make it were they been.I tell em it's the passion and patience i have for this type of situation.But at the end of the day no matter how many people compliment me i still feel like deep down inside they will never understand.So the music's gonna speak for me....Pakboyz been doing good for two guys who came from different backgrounds and haven't really been togeather as long as alot of other group's in our city..With the producing ability of Big sini and the song writing skill i provide were sure to be a smash soon.With single like "Showoff" and the hot single getting locally recognized "Fashionshow" were definitely buzzing through the airwaves quick, just ask Touch 106.1 Funky fresh radio, were soon to be a force.http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indi