"Hey Lady" profile picture

"Hey Lady"

OMG BOYS! we are offcially dealing, with a fuckin samscwanch!

About Me

well, my name is Danielle, in case you don't already know me.
my nick names include, Stratocaster, Garsh, DJ tanner, guitar girl, hey lady.. or anything else you'd like to call me.
I'm 18
I like to smoke pot and drink beer. LOTS OF IT
I work at kohl's now, haha doing freight.. i unload trucks and open boxes of clothes and put them on racks and shelfs.
By the end of this summer I might be moving to arizona to be with friends and to go to school for fashion design or audio recording
for now I spend all my time at work or with friends.
I have two best friends Emily and Torri, that I love to death
music and friends are pretty much my life, and always will be.
I have one tattoo, soon to be quite a few more
a few of my hobbies are, drawing, snowboarding, playing guitar, doing peoples hair and make up,hunting and fishing, ridin my quad when i can,traveling, and photography.
the only person who i'd probably ever want to meet is this man....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Classic rock, heavy metal, instrumental, some indie,industrial, some electronica. basically a lot of weird and random shit
Some of my favorites are, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, T. Rex, Steely Dan, Slayer, Lamb of God, Neutral Milk Hotel, Death From Above 1979, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and Boards of Canada


Comedys for sure.




steve vai, vetor belfort, hitler, corey duffel, and the british soccer hooligan from euro trip