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.....and i told her i didnt want to but she insisted so i tied my hair back and got down to it.

About Me

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.. ////////////// .......... jace danger------- ____________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! """"""""""""""""""""""""""" /////////////////i love enjoying myself and goofing around and breaking stupid laws and being naked a lot. and finding clothes and free stuff everywhere. i try and be conscience and respectful and judgemental and friendly and entertaining.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} <<<<<<((((((((((((((((( ************************** !.. i run and i do video and i like to add knotches to my cool experience belt as often as possible -- i might be inspired to say things .......... ------- ````````````````` i constantly deal with soo much going on.. in my head .. and i find that different peoples perception of the same thing is reeeally fascinating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ............ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/////////////// //==================/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////// ///////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// //////////_______SOMETIiMES_____I________--------------(am a senior)-------------- ---------------------------------------------i wanna be outside doing i dont know what calmly while relaxed but just cold enough that i normally would be uncomfortable. i want to feel like that right now, but doing something that is easy to calmly enjoy maybe fun running but i kinda want to be sitting so i am not really sure at all what i would be doing but... that sounds fun to me right now!--------------------------------------------wanna feel crushed ice from a refrigerator door thing, while it is sharp and cold. i can feel it hurt because it pokes and it would be unfomfortable because its so cold but then it would be what i want so i would like it then i can melt the sharp tips with my hands heat and feel the cold water in my hands dripping off. i would rub the water onto the backs of my hands then rub all the ice thats left really hard with both hands till it all melted and fell out.------------------------------------------------ wanna feel the heater until before i have to move cause its so hot.. for a long time without raising my body temperature enough to be too hot.-----------------------------------------------play with reallly thin hair thats really long and clean and brushed when it is a very comfortable temperature outside with a little breeze maybe and with whereever the hair is attatched to not minding my playing with it for as long as i want.---------------------------------------------------run a tiny bit fast on the front half of my feet a little downhill but then flattening out and just being so comfortable that i am gliding across the ground like the warmup before league finals. but i want it to last an hour or maybe a little less than that, then have my legs feel as warm as a spa but without the wetness and not the ones that hurt when you get it but feel just right.------------------------------------------------------ crack up for 10 minutes, but sincere laughing a great deal. that is so enjoyable its crazy. cracking the crap up for at least 10 minutes long and having several mini jokes that keep up the intense laughter going after the main jokes laughing nears its end.-------------------------------------------------------- when everything goes right for a substantial amount of time or events.----------------------------------------------------- ---- i feel like laying down with my eyes closed on a wooden floor with just enough of a breeze to notice, open air some trees but no noise. relax, eyes closed but not sleeping. perfectly comfortable on a hard flat floor. imagining anything, and everything. hoping and creating dreaming wishing living all in my head at this place at this place ive wished to call home wished so many times it was like this where everything ever could go just how it would in my head, imagining anything, and everything. hoping and creating dreaming wishing living all in my head.------------------------------------------------------- --- watching a wonderful movie that takes me into it so i dont realize im anywhere else until someone in the theatre makes noise (or i notice how hard a certain shot would of been to film or anything else to do with the production of the film) ---------------------------------------------------------- feel like being in a sauna and sweating out my time. sweating out my thoughts and water weight and energy until i am a thin stucture with an soaked external squishy flesh. i want my body to be heated until it forces drops from my skin. squeeze muscles and relax and finally after i am well satisfied.. take a shower with mildly cold water and possibly work my way up to scorching hot until the time comes to sit and put on clothes to go out into the world ----------------------------------------------------------- want to have gallon after gallon after gallon of paint sitting open in seperate containers ready to be flung and tossed and thrown all around. i want to see the mixture the flight and movement, i want to feel it on my skin and observe all that is liquid paint and rub some into my thigh up and down and across like rubbing soap in hands or sunscreen on backs, rubbing into skin not onto skin. and when im all done, jump into a natural body of water in the nude and shake around and jump and wiggle and allow the paint to leave me and shape with the water --------------------------------------------------------- feel like waking up and laying until i fall back asleep and when i naturally wake up after that, still going out into the cold morning and not the heat of the mid-day sun because of sleeping in.

My Interests

thinking about stuff, and how different people will take everything i say in different ways, and how nobody has any idea what kind of mood i am in as i write this so the likeyhood of anyone actually understanding this to its full potential is very low. anyway......observing people. trying to understand things.(logic) questioning reality. trying to change things. realizing what might and could be. watching people make that 'i dont understand' face at meIT'S SOMETHING UNPREDICTABLE, BUT IN THE END IT'S RIGHT, I HOPE YOU HAD THE TIME OF YOU'RE LIFE i have too many interests with no correlation in any which way - ::::: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::"All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was a vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible."-Thomas E. Lawrence ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: it is better to fail in origonality than to succeed in imitation-herman melville:::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::

::::::: :::: :::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: know the rules and break them only with reason-chip walsh:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: "in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. it's the life in your years" -abraham lincoln ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: a lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. i run to see who has the most guts-steve prefontaine::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: I like having intellectual conversations about non-intellectual things.-christina wile!:::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: i must have been eating a lot of catfood lately, because im frisky -yocky :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it-steve prefontaine :::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: "The purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, after all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." -Leo C. Rosten ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::: its in the interpretation that ones own realization of definition is found:::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::: :::::: :: ::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: Love is a serious mental disease. -Plato :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: ::: ::::::::: :::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ''i remember my best friend forever... i know where she lives. ive always thought of just stopping by one day. to see if she remembers me. if shes even still there. what would she say. what would i say. what would there be to do? where do you start once youve finished?''-emily clark:::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::: it was me nobody else, i bend my limits just enough without breaking them, as far as i choose to go let myself go, i make my decision when i am most tired to surge or slow, to get a sweat at the end of running that i cant live without or one that i cant get rid of. :::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::: : ::::::::: ::::::::: :: ::::::: :::::::::: ::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::::: :::: ::: ;:: :::: ::::: You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. -Plato ::::: ::::: ;::::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: I'm back in school sufferin', watchin' my time/life go down da drain.-the mexican navajo michael carranza::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: just allow exsistance, ignore annoyances, live peacfully and enjoy yourself.:::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: href="http://60sfurther.com/HIpNakedHippies.jpg"

::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: Be Kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle- Unknown:::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::: :::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: im quite content with myself now; ive found a relaxation that puts emphasis on myself, no exterior needs, i can do what i want without the concern of others. i am comfortable in my own skin and its ok if nobody recognizes that. i do it for me.::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::: I like nonsense it wakes up the brain cells. fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. which is what i do, and that enables you to laugh at lifes realities-Dr. suess:::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::: " imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein ::::: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: when you regret a mistake then the lesson has been lost on you-alex bannister:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::: :::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :::::: :::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::: :::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::: ????!!?!?!!!!,running, circus tricks, people that can be trusted, red ribbon week, the smell that comes out of the vans air conditioner right when i turn it on, socks,all my clothes, colors, smiles, rock climbing, 14 milers ohh nevermind i dont like those, water breaks, steve prefontaine is kinda cool,camp pendleton mud run, snow, it, sand dunes, when it sprinkles, beach, running on the beach, running to the beach, running while its sprinkling and a little cold, my hats, being able to run somewhat quickly, downhill running, saying the word crap , swap meets, movies, ???, straight teeth, natural teeth, defining the word natural, gum is nice, bubbleicious gum if you want to make big bubbles, being extremly comfortable, listening to people talk, being clear minded(never happens to me), high school memories, memoryin general, i dont like sybolism in books very much, beach volleyball, ultimate frisby, off season, living strong, halloween, the canyon, names, boarding snow??, boarding wake??, tubing, sleeping, eating, thinking, not thinking, 5k's, footlocker mt. sac, getting a new P.R, not being ill, being rested, origonality, fun, honesty, loyalty, laughing, competting with people that think i wont be really competitive, and about 333333333333333333333333333333333 more things

I'd like to meet:

make funny faces ! !! lustrious love.. similar thinkers that can express their logic and thoughts with words


something that took some kind of thought and effort is nice. simp,e things that took very little of that can be nice too actually. awesome seizure fits inside my bare essential being every once in a while with little if any clothing 333333333333333333333333333333333 i dont know what kinda crap, the good crap is the crap i like. its the stuff that doesnt make me say 'barf on that crap'


=COOLEST MOVIES GROUP===WATER WORLD, THE 5TH ELEMENT, the island, bully, garden state, the princess bride, cinderella man, edward scissorhands, without limits, the truman show, four minutes, in good company, october skies, great expectations, austin powers, spiderman, biodome, the wizard of oz, swept away, x-men, napoleon dynamite, prefontaine, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, rudy, ace ventua, toys, transamerica, trabuco cross country 2004, the terminal, cast away, little shop of horrors, cant hardly wait, willow, armageddon, mrs doubtfire, joes apartment, the wedding singer, 12 angry men, I Robot, war of the buttons, bushwhacked, mr bean, cabin boy, pitch black, small soldiers, imagine: john lennon, =COOL MOVIES GROUP===ATL, funny ha ha, explorers, liar liar, three o'clock high, peggy sue got married, i married and axe murderer, starship troopers, james and the giant peach, wierd science, wrong turn, meet the deedles, casper, men in black, ferris buellers day off, city by the sea, blade, man of la mancha, super troopers, sideways, the edge, dumb and dumber, galaxy quest, summer school, the pest, eight legged freaks, shaun of the dead, the jerk, young frankenstein, the matrix, big fish, bruce almighty, drop dead fred, the three ninjas, the three amigos, Conan the destroyer, terminators, mars attacks, jurassic park, resident evil, saved, titanic, forrest gump, hook, robinhood men in tights, monty python, tuck everlasting, peter pan, sweetest thing, shanghi noon, swamp thing, ET, Shrek, honey I shurnk the kids, the italian job, val helsing, oceans 12, code red alert an andy whitaker film, mary shelleys frankenstein, twister, caddyshack, cabin fever, the chronicles of riddick, pippy long stockings, innerspace, blankman, alien vs. predator, grind, s.w.a.t., the full monty, the closer you get, sister act, planet of the apes, zorro, pirates of the carribean, citizen ruth, you've got mail, consenting adults, hidalgo, mouse hunt, the never ending story, con air, kazaam, with honors, many more


malcolm in the middle, king of the hill, the simpsons, andy milonakis, ??????
Your Icecream Flavour is... Neopolitan! You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
You are Peace.You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaTake the quiz: "What Specific Sport Are You?"

Cross Country
YOU ARE CROSS COUNTRY! you have stamina up the BUTT! you are crazy! what u find fun, other people find crazy


i really dont read much, i like my own experiences, plus reading makes me tired.. its cool though i guess


anyone who tries hard and means well in any way at all really :

My Blog

some pretty intense words

im not even gunna use questions... 1. i have a weird way of interacting with people i dont know 2. i tend to make an awkward face instead of saying hi when i see you walking by 3. i like to hit peo...
Posted by jace! on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST

you know you're and xc runner if......

...you think track is for wussies. ...you can maintain a 5:30 pace uphill while throwing up. ...people always ask you what events you are running ...some little kid wants to know why you're running ...
Posted by jace! on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 07:49:00 PST

what the crap people

i find myself calmly frustrated with people. Dont pretend to be my friend if you are not my friend. When i dont understand something i dont tend to be frustrated because of it, but people recently hav...
Posted by jace! on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 10:42:00 PST

V I R G I N I T Y ! ! ? ??!!! !

1:33 AM - yourV I R G I N I T Y  Is he a virgin?if you think for one millisecond that hes using you, then its most likely that he is.has he...
Posted by jace! on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:51:00 PST


remember not to say '' i dont get it''. maybe thats just something i was supposed to do. cause i never understood how things worked, well i did sometimes but thats what i said when i didnt. ''i dont g...
Posted by jace! on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:08:00 PST

tehachapi? possibly..? maybe just me

 i might be a hippie. im in the middle state, i dont know whether i am or not, i try to sometimes but then it doesnt work and other times i dont try to and i feel mean, i am in the metamorphosis...
Posted by jace! on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 10:29:00 PST

buddy profile / test of mine

4View My BuddyProfile http://www03.quizyourfriends.com/takequiz.php?quizname=04121 9223318-584284&c=1&a=08 ^test of mine link^ ...
Posted by jace! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a lot of answers to a lot of questions

Body: YO U R S E L F [ .001. ] first name: jace tanner hinesly [ .002. ] middle:tanner [ .003. ] last name:hinesly [ .004. ] nickname(s):fast pace jace the ace who likes to wear lace/many more f...
Posted by jace! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bunch of mucis videos... it'll be confusing when you open it

--> Faithless - Mass Destruction -->Video code provided by KEKAI BOY --> Benny Benassi - Satisfaction -->Video code provided by KEKAI BOY --> G. Love & Special Sauce - Milk and Cer...
Posted by jace! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

PURITY TEST, i dont get the answers so be truthfull to see how pure you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purity Test leave a message when you have finished, i got 85.6 -- i think
Posted by jace! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST