If you drive by this site then take a moment to pause and reflect. Think about where you saw yourself being ten years ago and ask is that where I am today.
What goals and dreams did you have?
If your life looks nothing like you saw then you need to ask why. Is it because you have settled or is it because God has taken you in directions you had never expected? Either way if God has given you your vision and purpose you can either rejoice that you are living it out to the fullest or you need to start making some radical changes to match the vision from ten years ago with today.
Don't let another 10 go by without embracing what you were made for. It is hard but rewarding to live being who God made you to be, using your talents for His glory.
The easy way out isn't easy at all. Take the road, start the journey, follow your God given vision, live on purpose. The Messiah came to take away your sins not just so you could say I have been forgiven, but so that you could be freed from sin to become who God made you to be.
Be alive, be Christ in your world.