every conditioned existence, without exception, is inconstant.
Hi, I'm Jessica.
Life is good.
I am eighteen years old as of July 7 th . I am a high school graduate, and I have a job, a license, and a car.
I will be attending college in the fall at Bryant & Stratton.
I live in Cheektowaga, and I will be spending the next two years (at least) here. I've decided not to rush into anything I may not be able to handle. I'm taking the next two years as easy as possible, and avoiding doing anything drastic.
I like to take long drives late at night, to nowhere in particular. Niagara Falls one day, and Perrysburg the next. :)
Though I take many things for granted (not granite),I do realize that have more than I could ever ask for. I know I've said it a thousand times before, but I'm trying to fix that.
I do whatever I can to be happy, because life is short, and you do not have enough time to waste being unhappy.
I realize that things change, and people change. Things will not always work out the way you want them to, and you don't always need what you want.
I've changed so much over the last two years, it's unbelievable.
I have so much to look forward to, and I've never been as in love with anything as I am with life.
Let's talk sometime. :)