Abril Perla profile picture

Abril Perla

Be careful what you ask for..cuz you just might get it!!!

About Me

Well what can I say about myself...Where should I begin..lol..I am a pretty laid back chica! I get along with everyone I meet and I do mean EVERYONE! I have an easy going personality...I love to laugh and joke around, I have a very sarcastic sense of humor so if you can't take the heat..STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN! I pride myself in being very very family oriented they are my best friends my confidants, my strength and my weakness..they mean the world to me so you better watch your backs anyone that dares intrude!! I absolutely hate unfairness, injustice and animosity so don't preach to me the sardonic ways of the world because they wont fly..I am very passionate when it comes to the people I love and whom I choose to love..I like to hang out with my friends..love to dance..going to the movies..checking out the new venues..I am a romance novel junkie! I love to make people laugh and make them feel good about themselves..I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to go off-roading, quading, cruising with the windows down on a beautiful day and the radio full blast! I like to do everything!! I am a hopeless romantic! I will cry when watching a sad movie!lol.. I was never into my studies as I should have been, but now more than ever I am dedicated to making a name for myself not just given something that was passed down to me because I was born, and making it out there in what we call the "REAL WORLD". But so far that is an overview of what is before you..want to know more.all you have to do is ask =] girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

All in all...I like to do everything..but most of all I LOVE!!! to hang out with my family!! I just think that they are the best and no matter what we always have a great time!!!! Ummm,, I like to read, hang out with friends, go to the movies, go out, dance, chat, and just have a great time!!!IN LOVING MEMORY OF
| View Show | Create Your OwnMy Ultimate Favorite Poem in the WORLD!!Footprints in the Sand One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?" The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you." Mary Stevenson

I'd like to meet:

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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: April P. Munoz
Date of Birth: July 15 woop woop!!
Birthplace: El Chuco Town, aka El Passo, Tx
Current Location: El Paso, soon to be Arizona!!! 2weeks!!!
Eye Color: Dark brown!!
Hair Color: Same as above
Height: 4'9..=..(
Heritage: Hispanic/American
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Band/Singer: umm right now Maroon Five is a bad ass group...love the cd
Song: Too many to say cuz I like a lil bit o' dis and lil bit o' dat
Movie: Gone with the Wind
Disney Movie: I like all of them..
TV show: Don't watch that much t.v. to say..sad huh
Color: BLUE!!
Food: Tacos...mmmm..I love them!!
Pizza topping: All Veggies!!
Ice-Cream Flavor: I like to stick to the orginal..cookies n' cream..lol
Drink (alcoholic): I must say....Cape Cods!!
Soda: Dr. Pepper!!
Store: I have too many..lol
Clothing Brand: Anything that makes me look good and feel comfortable in..
Shoe Brand: OH my...I LOVE ALL TYPES OF TENNIS!!!!
Season: Fall..I love to see the trees/ flowers..everything..change colors..so purty.
Month: Well I have 2 November and December becuz thats when you spend time wit your familia and all seems well..
Holiday/Festival: Thanksgiving and Christmas!! Ultimate fav..although I also love the 4th of July
Flower: I like all of them..becuz each one has its own uniqueness
Make-Up Item: uhh..Dont have one
Board game: Monopoly...but Munoz style..jajaja
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy!!
Chocolate or vanilla: I like both..but Chocolate..if I had to choose
Fruit or veggie: Both ..I luvvv...fruits and veggies!!
Night or day: Depends..on what I'm doing..lol
Sour or sweet: Sweet!!
Love or money: Love...becuz money comes and goes..plus the saying mo money mo problems YES!! love comes around once!!
Phone or in person: In person..but it also depends on the situation!! yup yup yup
Looks or personality: Personality..looks come and go..you get old and crinkly and those who are in love for WHO the person is..will think they are beautiful no matter what!!
Coffee or tea: I like both..Tea w/ no sugar!! and Coffee wit honey and milk..
Hot or cold: Niether..just right..lol
Goal for this year: Too many!! Start/Finish school!!, get accustomed to a "new" life..oooo scary!!
Most missed memory: Those of my Father!! luv u!
Best physical feature: Dont know honestly!!
First thought waking up: Thank you diosito for another day with my familia and loved ones!! but....10 more mins..lol
Hypothetical personality disorder: I think it changes becuz I react to every challenge and/or situation differently I think everyone does the same
Preferred type of plastic surgery: uhh non thank you very much!!
Sesame street alter ego: ??
Fairytale alter ego: umm...I think the ugly duckling turns swan...lol
Most stupid remark: lol..honestly I have a lot of them...just ask my brother..jajaja
Worst crime: I will plead the 5th to that..next question
Greatest ambition: To make a name for MYself..and succeed in EVERTYTHING i do
Greatest fear: Not seeing the fruit of my struggles and hard work
Darkest secret: again...I plead the 5th..dont you get it!!
Favorite subject: I have to say History and Political Science!!
Strangest received gift: honestly I have not recieved anything THAT bizarre
Worst habit: I bite my nails..or pull my hair
Do You:
Smoke: does..hookah count as smoking...on occasion OKAY
Drink: okay..for the record I got drunk once..more like wasted..AND SINCE THEN I DONT TOUCH THE STUFF!! jajaja
Curse: yes...and ouuff.I get the third degree from everyone I know..its not ladylike...
Shower daily: duh...even twice
Like thunderstorms: LOVE THEM!
Dance in the rain: AWW YUP YUP
Sing: In the shower...where no one can tell me to shut up!! lol but anywhere at work, in the car, in da club..
Play an instrument: yes i do =)
Get along with your parents: Of course!!
Wish on stars: Yes ..when i was like 6
Believe in fate: I believe that god has a set plan for each and everyone of us and EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON
Believe in love at first sight: I beleve in attraction at first sight..there is no such thing as love at first sight
Can You:
Drive: Duh!!
Sew: yes...
Cook: Yes but not as good as my sis!! but I am one BAD ASS baker!!
Speak another language: yup yup
Dance: yes!!
Sing: Yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: nope..
Whistle: sadly..no..if i try I sound really dumb!!
Curl your tongue: oooooo..yup yup..lol
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: oh god...YES!! and they have it on video...=(
Been Stoned/High: eww..NO
Eaten Sushi: Yes i have!!
Been in Love: Yes!!
Skipped school: every once in a while...
Made prank calls: pft...okay okay..once when i was in middle school OKAY!
Sent someone a love letter: jajaja nope
Stolen something: why do they insist on placing these type of questions here!!
Cried yourself to sleep: arrggh..Many a time!
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? When a person is really really quiet..it makes me soo freakin nervous!!
Are you right or left handed? Righty!!
What is your bedtime? When ever I get sleepy..
Name three things you can't live without: umm..well aside from my day to day neccesities..cell phone, internet, computers
What is the color of your room? White with green accents and green borders..yeah basic girl room ya know simple but nice
Do you have any siblings? ohh god yes i do...I have 1 sis!! My twin lol!! and 4 blood brothers, and 1 adopted one
Do you have any pets? we used to have a rabbit..but my mother doesnt like pets
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? uhh nothing is worth the price of going to hell thank you very much!!
What is you middle name? Pearl
What are you nicknames? shorty, aprol, lil one, munchkin, api, stumpy, nerd, punk, lol..i have many
Are you for or against gay marriage? morally i think its wrong..but to each his own..if that whats makes them happy
What are your thoughts ..ion? Its wrong..point blank..NO MATTER WHAT!! becuz you are killing a human being and NOTHING excuses that..at all!!
Do you have a crush on anyone? yes I do!!
Are you afraid of the dark? Only If I have watched a really freaky movie then my mind plays with me..
How do you want to die? Peacefully, and fast
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? I have no flippin Idea..
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? In a heart beat...new york min..yup yup
What is the last law you’ve broken? here we go again!!
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: doesnt matter
Eye color: doesnt matter
Height well obviously taller than me..but then again ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is taller than me..sad huh
Weight doesnt matter
Most important physical feature: smile!!
Biggest turn-off SMOKER!! ewww..next!!
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Believe it or not I like to listen to everything..from rap!!, country, classical, rock, heavy metal, oldies, Luv it all!!!


To keep the balance I like the basic chick flicks.the notebook..becuz lets face it WE ALL LIKE THEM!! But like also like to watch action, sci fi..lord of the rings, matrix, etc.etc. also musicals!! ummm pretty much anything with a good plot, story line..


I go to school and work so believe it or not I don't watch T.V. only when I have an hour to spare..lol My good friend Glenda and my bitch..lol


I like to read romance novels..Can't get enough of them!! But I like to read mystery and comedic ones too..annnnddd..lol.. I like to read about politics!!
How to make a April
1 part mercy
5 parts brilliance
5 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com Five mins into the party and dis dude is already buzzing..


My hero first and foremost is GOD!! For he is my light, my path and end!! My father (may he rest in peace) and my Mother for they have taught me everything I know!! For making me the best person I know how to be!! I LOVE THEM BOTH!! WITH ALL MY HEART!!

My Blog


RULES: Once You've Been Tagged You Have To Write A Blog With 10 Weird Or Random Things, Facts, Or Habits About Yourself. At The End, You Choose 10 People To Be Tagged, List Their Names. Don't Forget T...
Posted by Abril Perla on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:03:00 PST

6 weird /habits you have!

Okay my first so see how it goesThe game: the first player of this game starts with the "6 weird/habits about my self", and people who get tagged need to write a blog with their 6 weird/habits as well...
Posted by Abril Perla on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:24:00 PST