skateboarding, surfing, traveling, having fun
your mom
sublime, beatles, old weezer, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Niel Young, James Brown, Blue Oyster Cult, CKY, 400 blows, Ted Nudgent, Dr. Hook, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Pine Hill Haints, At the Drive In, Wesley Willis, Outkast, pepper, Nirvana, NWA, XBXRX,SonicYouth, TheBeastieBoys, %*^.. the willie chillies from Phillie
all of the Hitchcock movies, Edward sicorHands, TAXI (Robert DeNiro),Pulp Fiction, Endless Summer, Clock work Oarnge, Space Odity 2001, Planet of the Apes, The outlaw of Josey Whales, cult classics and movies with your mom naked in them
Chapelle Show, Cheaters is funny so is COPS, Over Haulin, Miami Ink, Old Twilight Zone episodes I really don't watch a hole lot of TV
On The Road (Jack Kerouac), my little black one, Karma Sutra
Other than Lary Birdleman and Ozzie Wright I am my own Hero