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About Me

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My Interests

Wow, where to begin. I have learned that life doesn't always work out like you have planned. My husband is currently deployed to Iraq and 3 days after he left I welcomed our second child into this world. He has been deployed before, but this time is so much harder. I was so mad at first, but I have realized there is nothing I can do about it so why harbor all those feelings when I can't change the past. I can only mold the future. It took me since June of 2005 to get pregnant for the second time and I truly believe God let me conceive when I did for a reason. Being busy with 2 kids will hopefully keep my mind of this deployment and time will fly...atleast that is what I am praying for. I also have such an amazing family that has helped me tremendously since he left, that without them I don't think I would have made it.I am so proud of my husband and the sacrifices he is making for not only me and our family, but every other American out there. So all those out there who can go to bed at night with their loved ones, don't ever take it for granted. He is my rock and my best friend. We have been through so much and have come out much stronger. I love him and miss him dearly.I have the 2 most amazing kids. I thank God everyday for giving me these wonderful gifts of life. It still blows my mind how it all starts and what the end result is...truly amazing!! Hard to believe I am a mother of 2, where does the time go. I am so proud of my kids and don't be suprised if that is the only pictures you see on my I have been in the Marine Corps for 7 years now, and have enjoyed every minute of it so far. I love my life and all I have and live just one day at a time.

I'd like to meet:

God, when the time is appropriate.....


I like all types! I grew up in a house where there was music playing ALL the time. I am really into the heavy stuff right now, great workout music!


All types, even the ones where I seem to cover my eyes most of the time.


Don't really have much time now.


Anything that is interesting.


My children and, my husband...he loves me unconditionally and for that I will be forever grateful! I love you Richard.

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My Blog

Prego Pics

I just posted a new prego pic. I promise I will try to take more this weekend.
Posted by Colenuts on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 02:57:00 PST

It's a boy!!!

Well just found out today that I am expecting a baby BOY!!!  I am due June 5th and can hardly wait!!!   ...
Posted by Colenuts on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST