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EVERYBODYSIGN PETITIOn at END THE SILENCE AROUND OUR MIND COMMUNICATION ABILITIES! People NEED you! EVERYBODY TELL EVERYBODY!!! .. --> PETITION to CONGRESS Please sign RECENT UPDATE I called the news editor at wchs, he is looking us over! Be a good time to put a good word in for us! Last one I am on Google, Live, and Yahoo with a lot of sites. I have got lots of support and encouragement from you guys! THANK YOU EVERYBODY! I have a new Hi5 page with almost 200 friends. I have ads still, averaging about 14 views a week each. I am a member of I think 4 networking communities. I have emailed the families of missing children whose addresses I got off their sites about 4 times now. I got about 250 clicks on my Adwords accounts and I have an Adcenter account. And today, I am going to call the news myself and ask them what the hold up is and I will get back with you on that! WE ARE GETTING THERE! WE ARE GOING TO DO IT! IT IS GOING TO ROCK!MOVEMENT UPDATEI am working very hard to ease the public into acceptance of the reality which is that we communicate with our minds. I have started an email campaign aimed to two addresses for supporters. I ask for 3 emails per week per person to each of the following stations. [email protected] and [email protected] . A big station and a local one. In these emails you can refer to one of my pages, which would help me. And suggest they do a story. That's It! It's fun to change the world, and not that hard! I have done so much publicity and this month I intend to start with a purchased ad. Do network it, being able to openly talk about how we can all communicate with our minds is important to everybody. And very important to the families of and the missing children. I will receive fame and the such from this, my daughter and I have been put through hell over this. The "this way" fame has ripped apart my life and rendered us hurt, victimized, struggling, and alone. Please join me. I dont care if it is just me and you, which it isn't, but that is something at least. I will not stop, I will not shut up about it, and I have no fears. God is on my side and I am doing the right thing. If you want some other places to look around just GOOGLE KRISTEE WORSTELL.Lots of them. I have 10 or so ads on online classifieds getting on average 6 views a day each. I have blogs everywhere I could squeeze them. I have posted comments on a hundred or so missing children sites. My site is advertised through various exchange programs. I have emailed 2500 people at a time through one program on a trial offer, have collected 60 or 70 families of missing or unsolved murdered(since their crimes can be solved when this works) people and have sent a 2nd email, am the member of 3 networking communities so far, and have 9 or so sites I have set up myself and submitted. A lot of them have been picked up by LIVE search, one on GOOGLE and YAHOO and many of them on many of the smaller search engines. I have received some positive feedback, and some negative, mostly none so far. But, I know some people have joined and eventually expect them all too. My site views are starting to jump, so if people see it, chances are some have joined. Please come on board, every second is important and I am sure we all could find a few people to help and they could all find a few too! GOD BLESS US AND GUIDE US EVERY DAY WE EXIST! Thank You! Please contact me, I look forward to hearing from you. Good Luck, I pray for your happiness.The Other Way To Talk -The Way To Think By KristeeWorstell Hi! I am Kristee Worstell. This is the story behind me becoming part of your lives, it was the funniest thing...A long time ago, I was sitting in front of my television,home with my young daughter. I kept getting the feelingthat the people on the television were having conversationsbeneath the lines, as if they had a secret set of words andmovements that weren't really meant for us, yet were soapparently there and the feelings so strong that I couldn'thelp but to set about "following" them. I decided they weretalking in another way to talk which was based upon theadding of letters of words. I reached my originalconclusion, after some deciphering, that the platform tothis "other way to talk" was based upon the game of pool.The yellow being added and the one being added to theaddition of the word solids, signifying the classificaitonof the one ball, equaling a certain number and thenincorporating a cancellation effect based on the resultingnumber making each ball a no or a 2 no (no, no)etc..., thencompiled with the additional A=1, B=2 as previouslyreferred to, where the word "add", for example, would be 9in most cases, however I did allow for the cancellation ofdouble letters in some cases. To form an everflowing rhythmof adding over top of a well formed base, intertwining andcoherent. Hence we have the other way to talk, two years ofconstant "adding" bliss. Oh the love, the fun, the friends.We all know the rest of the story, life's events made meshaky and the other way to talk got blurry, and when itfell--I hated it. I loved making everybody so happy.However, lo and behold, right before it fell, while we wereall still engourged in the network of words and patterns wehad built up for so long, someone had brought up the wordabracadabra, powerful throughout history, and we allshuffled it through- which was most likely a very powerfulmass of collective energy. It was about a week later whenthe other way to talk fell down, and about two weeks afterthat when my then boyfriend handed me a lighter for acigarette, (coincidentally right at the place my deadgrandfather was hit and killed on a motorcycle I still liveup the same road), and the lighter tingled... and it wasthe beginning of "the way to think" (another well-timedmove from The Big G-O-D, abracadabra and everything!)!!!!Unbelievable, miraculous, world shaking, mind blowing, andall true. True, true, true, true, true.GOD BLESS!! XOXOXOXOXhrefhref=" y5teXNwYWNlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5jZm0/ZnVzZWFjdGlvbj1ibG9nLnZpZXcmZ nJpZW5kSUQ9MzQ3NDg0ODE5JmJsb2dJRD00MTU5MTkyMTgmaW5kaWNhdGU9M Q=="> Blogs - Mariah Carey, Derek Jeter, and that Harry guy from Wales - Kristee MySpace

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PS -When people say something about these miracles or their experiences with them etc.., don't act like you don't know what they're talking about. Don't lie.........GOD BLESS AND GUIDE US ONE AND ALL Tell Fast--Bring the Children Home Fast! Inform the News! WE WIN!!!!!!!!Always looking for your comments/suggestions--any ideas on housing the homeless or key points to breaking the way to think---don't hold back, any and all are appreciated...

My Blog

Mariah Carey, Derek Jeter, and that Harry guy from Wales

All events occuring through our mind communication capabilities, no face to face contact has ever been made between parties.  My daughter, 16 and the object of much undeserved abuse due to my fa...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 03:39:00 GMT

Check out this event: Clicks to Congress

Hosted By: Kristee WorstellWhen: Tuesday Jul 22, 2008 at 7:00 PMWhere: 933 Heavenly DriveSouth Charleston, WV 25309United StatesDescription:Kristee Worstell Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 01:57:00 GMT

Prince Harry and His Evil Friendling

While residing alone at home, the night before the fourth of July, who would call but Harry Windsor, Prince.  Running along the usual hateful and cowardly line of behavior some feel compelle...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 01:45:00 GMT

The future of the world-the realities we can take!

Brainstorming for Q&A Interviewing ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Nice summary statements   I found that through the addition of the numbers a...
Posted by on Sat, 24 May 2008 17:45:00 GMT

ME, SUMMER, and Dereks Night-May 13th/Morning May14th

I have got to tell EVERYBODY! about last night, not that a large majority of the world wasn't listening in... So, me, Summer, and my boyfriend Derek, all in different places but communicating with the...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:25:00 GMT

Why People Who Invade the Space of Others Ruin the World

Has anyone ever seen the number of child molestors that interfere with me?  Can you believe the names on some of those people?  They put a new meaning to parental controls don’t they? ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 05:21:00 GMT


On the last sports blog I was overlyhard on the hypothetical Mr. WhatsHISfAES due to some unsubstantiated decisions and I made some untrue statements about him, so in the spirit of the press...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:47:00 GMT

The Reason Jennifer Aniston and Fibi are Criminals

Here I sit, day before Easter, working my fingers to the bone with another good deed and who would just decide to stop in here, cause lots of problems, be rude, disgusting, crude, unladylike, obscene,...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:51:00 GMT

Why I Hate Poser Rich Baseball Players (thats givin it to them big time)

When I first got found and I had all the opportunities in the world, I met this guy.  He was (and is) a baseball player for a very popular team and he was just a rookie, this was years ago. ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 00:35:00 GMT

Why I Hate Rich People

I ll tell you what you can probably already guess about why I hate rich people.  Rich people dont live by the rules.  Rich people treat others as if they aren’t as good or as worthy as...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:53:00 GMT