THE inner-west based rudeboys of
Sticky Fingers are producing a sound like no other.
With their super mega-hectic psychedelic reggae flavour you are bound to be asking the bar staff for the closest ATM so that you can give them all of your dollars.
Over the past two years the band has picked up an impressive cult following, playing alongside artists such as Kingtide & Art Vs Science.
It's been a smooth ride for the boys so far that's only going to get better, with singer-songwriter Dylan Frost’s coming of age and recent completion of their debut EP, "Helping Hand".
The acid ninjas of the inner-west are ready.
Orgasm is imminent...
09/10/09 - EP launch + Oxford Art Factory = Sell-out show
"Just when you think you’ve got them pegged, they surprise you. And they do it so nonchalantly you’ll forget you were ever trying to peg them at all... These guys are better than any pithy metaphor I can come up with. Share them around."
- Bree Pickering (Concrete Playground)
"Reggae... it’s always refreshing to see a band coming up that put their own spin on it, and avoid the tacky clichés that seem to permeate so much of the mainstream of the genre these days. Sticky Fingers are doing just that"
- Jesse Hayward (Music Feeds)
"i'm kept on my toes by rascals like you."
- Steph Hughes (Triple J Unearthed)
"Hot Summer" Videoclip (2008)