< IK - A - FOAM - EE >
i'm jenni
i'm a pretty random person [end it there]
i'm not fat [i'm fluffy]
i will always be a twin of death [T.O.D]
i drive a red ford escort stationwagon [red team go!]
i drink full throttle & vitamin water [heh]
i'm a guitar hero god [i'll make you slit your wrists like an emo kid]
i worship sporks [they make lovely jewerly]
i adore piercings [i have 25 diff ones]
i rock tattoos [i draw them myself]
i sleep with a stuffed zebra [shrugs]
i cut & style my own hair [i get lots of compliments]
i dye my hair regularly [it will fall out one day]
i give the best massages [magic hands]
i wear tank tops all the time [my cleavage likes to show]
i am known for my encounter with avenged sevenfold at their hotel [you're jealous]
i have way too many hoodies [people want them]
my best friends are older [26-28]
i appreciate my friends [they are my family]
i play bass [people think i'm better than i am]
i try to sing [i'm slowly getting better]
i can growl/scream while singing [it's pretty rough]
i'm a musician [INTO THE INSANITY]
i <3 music [it's my life]
i am pro at car singing [chrissy will only sing with me]
i have a record collection that is wicked [still finding cds everywhere]
i check out new bands [local or not]
i enjoy talented bands [i'll help promote you]
contact me [AIM- censusoverridden]
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