Cars, its more of an addiction, traveling, new people, doing things that are considered by most to be "stupid", making bad desicions, music, my cars, helping build cars, cooking, my classes, and laws and policies (surprising for such a dufus).
On myspace, any and all old friends. Now to reiterate, friends, or people who are fun. If you are shitty, dont bother me. I would like to meet some new people as its been tough meeting new people in grad school. Plus most of the people I do know have far greater responsibilities than I do, such as a significant other, work, bills, things like that. I have class a couple nights a week. And volunteer at a friends business a few other nights a week. SO I AM BORED.
My musical tastes are, to say the least, far to main stream. I usually listen to the typical rock or rap that is popular at the moment but have found i also cant get enough dirty rap music or jayz. nothing better on a good or bad day than just getting in your car and bumping something that justs gets you away.
I like most movies, but the best have hot chicks, fast cars, and big explosions.
I recently acquired several antique book collections, and I am spending time reading over them all.