Phoenix Concert Theatre profile picture

Phoenix Concert Theatre

About Me

The person running this site is Mary-Elizabeth Gilbert, Creator & Founder of Meg-a Music Toronto, who works at the Phoenix and has full permission to create this site for promotional purposes!LIBERTY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP have now occupied 410 Sherbourne Street, the address for The Phoenix Concert Hall in Toronto for over 21 years, starting in 1986.If you want a venue where you can get up close and personal with your fans and if you, the fan want to attend concerts with a much lower ticket price, the PHOENIX CONCERT THEATRE is definitely a place to consider for both bands and fans!Yes, even THE ROLLING STONES have played at the Phoenix, its not just a rumour!

Revolver from Toronto played the Phoenix and set the stage and everyone in the room on fire, including the person who runs this site for a Metal Queen Management event!!! Here is a video taken at the Phoenix from their performance. Nick Walsh, frontman for Revolver is a Juno award winner and many may remember him with the band Slik Toxik. Revolver have recently released a DVD called "The New Blood Rock Show", check them out on our Top Friends shortly!This venue has a capacity of 1300 and if you check the event listings on the website you will see the great music this venue draws in of all genres.Additionally, SATURDAY is the famous CLUB 102/The Edge night all starting at 10:00 PM.
A message will appear that you are going outside of MySpace by clicking on the banner, we assure this is a safe link :)You may also send e-mails about bookings here or go to the "Contact Us" section of Meg-a Music Toronto's website at www.megamusictoronto.comI’m Not Jesus feat. Corey Taylor
..Apocalyptica blew everyone away playing at the Phoenix Concert Theatre recently! Listen to how Rock + Metal + Classical can sound from Finland. When they come back to Toronto, don't miss them! This is what you can expect to hear and watch at the Phoenix - phenominal concerts!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2008
Band Website:
Influences: All genres of music are welcome!
Record Label: Unsigned

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