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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
MY AOL name is darkwarrior019 feel free to talk to me if you wont but I might not talk back
Hey im walt im from lakemore ohio im 21 i have a job and a car. I work fulltime . I like to draw watch movies go to flea markets or just flopped on the couch watching movies or just waiting around for something interesting todo. I like videogames. .yes im a gamer but i havent played much lately im not much of a partier. Im shy and bashfull.....I know its such a wonderfull combination
so if i go to partys im quiet. i want to date someone that likes me and can laugh at stupid things with me lol. I'm trying to figure out something new to do with my time because Im bored out of my mind so if you got a suggustion Im all ears.
What is your full birth name? Walter Lee Forester
What is your date of birth? 10-09-1985
Where were you born? Akron
What are your parents' names? Mary And Walt
How many siblings do you have? How old are they and what are their names? 1 sister Anna
What's your hair color? Brownish I guess
What's your eye color? Blue
How tall are you? around 5 foot 9 or 10
How much do you weigh? 190
What size shoe do you wear? 12
What's your house look like? How many bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.? small 2, 1
How many pets do you have? What are they and what are their names? none sir
What's your marital status? Single FOREVER >_<
Animal? Falcon
Color? Blue
Sport? Baseball
Artist/ Group? I like alot of shit
Movie? Starship Troopers Bitch!!
Actor? Bruce Willis
Actress? Keira Knightley
Food? Buffalo Wings
Drink? Slushy
Restaurant? Anything Good
Car? 69 charger or challenger
School subject? art
Cologne/ perfume? AXe
Television show? Too Many
Television station? Lots
Radio station? allmost all of them
Vacation spot? anywhere
Clothing store/ brand? whatever I like
Holiday? halloween
McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds only because of price
Pepsi or Coca-Cola? coke
Cell phone or the Internet? internet
Movies or television? Movies
Board games or cards? boardgames
Horror or comedy? Horror is comedy ^_^
Summer or winter? Summer
Dogs or cats? Dogs but I like cats to
Appetizers or dessert? dessert
Concerts or gigs? Concerts
Parties or get-togethers? get togethers
Chocolate or vanilla? Both
Beer, vodka, or wine? Vodka
1970s or 1980s? 70s
Rain or snow? Rain
Mario or Luigi? Mario
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, or Jessica Simpson? Christina
Drunk or high? Drunk
Day or night? Night
Black or white? Black
CDs or mixes? Mixes
Corvette or Mustang? vette
Reality shows or sitcoms? sitcoms
Been high? How about any other drugs? Care to mention? no
Been drunk? yes
Stolen something? What was it? nonya
Gotten in a fist-fight? not yet ^_^
Had sex? I wish
Vandalized someone's property? not yet
Ran over an animal? hahaha ya
Trespassed? yep
Wished death on someone? oh ya
Told your parents you hated them? no
Been fake to someone? not really
Flew on an airplane? not yet
Broken a bone? If so, what was it? nope
Been in a car accident? hahahha oh ya
Do you find yourself attractive? not really
Are you a jealous person? usually no
What do you want to be when you get older? Dream job? God?...
What's your cumulative grade point average? none
What's the meanest thing you've ever said to anyone? who knows
Do you fart, burp, etc. in front of your friends? How about in front of anyone? yes
If you had to go on a reality show, what one would it be? survivor
Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female friends? nonya
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? How many and where? no
Do you like drama? nope
What do you think is your best feature - physical & personality? oh you know
Would you change for someone you liked? probally
Would you rather be physically or mentally hurt? physical
What do you appreciate most in life? the fun things