stuff i find interesting
• The Used
• Johnny Depp
• Natalie Portman
• Wil Anderson
• the rubbish-man
• the monster under my bed...maybe in a few years..
(+44)10 YearS30 SecondS TO MarSA NeW FounD GlorYA PerfecT CirclEA StatiC LullabYACDCAFIAfteR ThE FalLAideNAlexionfirEAlicE CoopeRAlicE IN ChainSAlizeEAlteR BridgEAnaïsAndreW WKAngelS AnD AirwaveSAntI-FlaGAntiskeptiCAqualunGAT ThE DrivE INAtreyUAudioslavEAvriL LavignEBaysidEBehinD CrimsoN EyeSBlinK 182BloC PartYBoB EvanSBoX CaR RaceRBreakinG BenjamiNBulleT FoR MY ValentinECKYCoheeD AnD CambriAColDColdplaYColiN HaYCountinG CrowSCutE IS WhaT WE AiM FoRDashboarD ConfessionaLDaviD BowiEDeatH CaB FoR CutiEDon'T AsK USDragonforcEDropkicK MurpheySDyonisoSEiffeL 65ElectriC PresidenTEmerYEmineMEscapE ThE FatEEskimO JoEEvanescencEFakeRFaktioNFalL OuT BoYFeedeRFightstaRFincHFlogginG MollYFoO FighterSFroM AutumN TO AsheSFroM FirsT TO LasTFueLFuneraL FoR A FrienDGoldfingeRGoO GoO DollSGorillaZGreeN DaYGrinspooNGunS N' RoseSGuttermoutHHIMHawK NelsoNHawthornE HeightSHellogoodbyEHowiE DaYI AM GhosTIdioT PiloTImogeN HeaPIncubuSIndochinEINXSIT DieS TodaYJack'S MannequiNJameS BlunTJamisoN ParkeRJapungAJebediahJimmY EaT WorlDJoshuA RadiNKarnivooLKeanEKillswitcH EngagEKisschasYLacunA CoiLLeD ZeppelinLesS ThaN JakELifehousELinkiN ParKLivELo-teLLosT ProphetSLouisE AttacKLustrAMarilyN MansoNMarooN 5MatchbooK RomancEMatchboX TwentYMC LarSME VS YoUMesTMichaeL JacksoNMickeY 3DMidnighT OiLMillencoliNMotioN CitY SoundtracKMudvaynEMusEMY ChemicaL RomancENicK CavE AnD ThE BaD SeedSNickelbacKNirvanANullenvoiDNoT BY ChoicENullenVoiDOasiSOuR LadY PeacEP.O.DPaniC! AT ThE DiscOPapA RoacHPennywisEPlacebOPlaiN WhitE T'SPoisoNPowderfingeRPuddlE OF MuDQueeNQueenS OF ThE StonE AgERadioheaDRammsteiNReD HoT ChillI PepperSReeL BiG FisHRelienT KREMRicK SpringfielDRisE AgainsTRoB ZombiERufiOSalivASaosiNScatman JohnSeetheRSenseS FaiLShininG ThrougHSilverchaiRSilversteiNSmashinG PumpkinSSnoW PatroLSomethinG CorporatESomethinG FoR KatESomethinG WitH NumberSStarSStatiC-XStereophonicSStorY OF ThE YeaRSuM 41SwitchfooTSysteM OF A DowNTakinG BacK SundaYTATUTeddY GeigeRThE AlL-AmericaN RejectSThE BeatleSThE BeautifuL GirlSThE BraverYThE ButterflY EffecTThE DistillerSThE FraYThE FullY DowNThe GospelsThE HoT LieSThE KillerSThE LivinG EnDThE MatcheSThE MusiCThE OffsprinGThE ScarEThe UseDThE VelDThE VervEThE WhitE StripeSThE WhOThirstY MerCThreE DayS GracEThricEThursdaYToniCTooLU2UnderOatHUnwritteN LaWWheatuSWishfuL ThinkinGWishfuLYellowcarDYoutH GrouPZebraheaD
Fight Club!
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind!
V For Vendetta!
Donnie Darko!
Ace Ventura!
Austin Powers!
American Pie!
Take the quiz:
Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?
White Ranger
You are the White Ranger, you are Tommy. Your weapon is the Saba. You are the tiger and the falcon.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
.. You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Indiana Jones
Batman, the Dark Knight
Lara Croft
Neo, the "One"
El Zorro
James Bond, Agent 007
William Wallace
The Terminator
The Amazing Spider-Man
Alan Lam.. hes always been my rival and idol