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message me on any messanger here SN: ambientflyer on FACEBOOK
I'm in a band and you can check that out here:
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Just click on the image to find out more about this wonderful, helpful and very timely group.
I never wanted more than the beauty of your kiss.
Somehow I get lost in the sound of this singing.
But, you're beautiful tonight, in your ultraviolet light.
Kiss me softly and sing to me.
I'd give anything...
I never wanted more.
Show me how to do it, help me find a way.
I've got nothing left to live for.
No one else is staying, but you, always you.
There is only you.
- More - by The Violet Burning
I am human. I am alive. I breath and bleed.
I love and try not to hate.
I'm a Christian... as in I believe in Jesus Died and rose again.
Not as in... I conform to modern versions of Christianity which exclude themselves from the very society Jesus called them to be in.
I am not an Artists, Youth Pastor, Pastor, Musician, or Employee. I'm neither liberal nor conservative.
I'm not Goth, Punk, Hardcore, StraightEdge, Metrosexual, Indie, Postmod, Mod, Emo, Vintage, Psycadelic, New Wave, Metal, Gangsta, Pop, New Age, Blue Collar, White, Rap, New Metal, Prog.
I'm all this and more.
I like things that are bizzare and odd. Like movies that don't resolve and driving to spooky places at night.
I believe in things I can't see and generally think people that think this is all there is to life are shallow.
I love everyone - I don't enjoy everyone.
I would love nothing more than for us to all get along. But chances are you think you are better than me. And that's ok.
I generally avoid people that can't think for themselves and follow the masses. If you think getting wasted and shitfaced is a party... move along. You just make yourself look stupid and confused like a little child.
I like boring things like wandering the toy aisle(like a little child), looking at pretty things, cuddling, watching movies, reading, viewing art.
I like to go to concerts.
I like the Theatre
I am a Christian and believe Jesus died and rose again.
I have a hard time being around some Christians. Jesus taught us to love. Many find this concept of love confusing and difficult.
I believe in love and helping and doing for others.
I tend to give way to much of myself.
I'm tired of listening to people talk as if they couldn't possibly be wrong.
If you invite me to a party with the only hook as 500 jello shots I will laugh internally and not show up. 500 jello shots does not a party make.
I think most people are scared and afraid of something. Mostly what other people think. They say they aren't.. but you can tell by their actions they are.
I love star wars & black and white movies. Especially old sci-fi and horror movies. B horror movies are awesome as well. Mostly i like Moster movies.
Pretty much anything with monsters in it is usually cool.
I love Transformers more though.
Apple computers rule and Steve Jobs is pretty swell.
I enjoy the supernatural.
I wish a new Ghostbusters movie would come out.
No matter how much Mike makes fun of me I like cute things like pokemon & hamtaro.
I love big cities and bright lights.
I love Iowa.
I love children and often wish people wouldn't loose their childlike heart, but they do which is sad.
I think our world has become too safe for children in an effort to keep them safe we have traded their development and growth as people.
I enjoy things that look cool including the box my soap came in.
I dig unicorns.
I get tired of listening to people talk "grown up" as if that's cool. I've learned that most people that talk as if they were grown up, often are not.
I don't like listening to you tell me how important you are. If you are really that cool I should be able to figure that out for myself.
I don't believe we should define ourselves by what we do.. but rather that what we do should be defined by who we are and what is important to us.
I love rain, snow and cloudy days.
I'm selfish and I'm sorry.
I hate money.. but need it to get the some food and things i enjoy.
I love fruit, gummie bears, seafood and asian foods most. and Water.
I love staying up late.
I expect you to respect me and others. Chances are I already respect you.
I will trust and believe in you from the moment we meet - untill you give me a reason not to.
I love to read novels, books, the dictionary, business books, comic books, art books, photography books.
I hate tabloids smearing celebraties, it makes me sick.
I cant stand to be around people who complain, put others down, talk as if they are better than others (even if they are).
I'm thankful for those who have loved me through everything and am glad to be there for others when they need me.
I like driving and wandering around at night
I believe the truth is out there.
I believe there are absolutes. Though I dont know what they all are. I'm on a journy like everyone else and I wish we could just be there to help each other out and want the best for each other... instead of compeating all the time.
Loving and supporting people, enjoying life, not critizising others to make yourself look cool (that is not cool), learning to understand something thats different, learning new words, sharing a glass of water or meal with a friend, calling someone just to tell them you love them. Looking out for your friends because you care about them and want the best. Admiting when you've been wrong. Loving others. sharing ideas, dreaming together. hugs and kisses.
Thinking you are better than other people, looking down on others, making fun of people, spreading gossip, talking bad about others even if it is true, hating, drinking to get drunk, if you are in a band and do not stay for the other bands, putting a hex on someone, casting harmful spells, having sex with corpses, bands that sing about having sex with corpses, acting tough. Jeleousy. Murder with the tounge. Murder with a knife. Running over small animals, slapping people(unless you are playing the slapping game ;).