INTRODUCTION:Everyone wants something that will set them apart, make them unique and different from the rest. And that is why Stolen Freedom has been created. Stolen Freedom is a clothing line for the individual with taste, style, and a flare for originality. These shirts are available now. As new designs come into production we will add them here so you can see them. Do you have questions? Do you want one of these shirts to add to your wardrobe? Feel free to e-mail us at brand new clothing line is set at the foot of the Bridger mountains in Bozeman Mt.The Co-creator of Stolen Freedom is Bryce Baker. The designer and other co-creator of Stolen Freedom is Jenny May.TO BUY A SHIRT:
To buy a shirt contact either one of the advertisers, send me a message here on myspace, or facebook at , or Email me directly at Graffitti design shirts cost 15 dollars and come in either black or white with a red label. More colors will be available after the first set of shirts sold.The first girls shirt is the flower design. This design comes in either a tank top or a longer tight fitting shirt.
Normal women sizes apply. This shirt is set at 20 dollars.Thanks a ton from me, Jenny and all the advertisers.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Musicians from all over. Country artists of course (we are from montana) And many hip hop artists as well. Sports figures. And also some clothing designers, such as; Marc Ecko.
My Blog
New Projects and New Ideas
Hey Yall,
Jenny and I have been working hard along with another memeber of our team to bring you the best clothing with our inovative style. We like to think of ourselves as a very grafitti orie... Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 02:12:00 GMT