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About Me

Blackwych were an Irish band from Kildare in fact, and were gigging and writing music for many years. The band roots started out in 1982/83, and has had a long history. There were many musicians in and out down the years, broken arms, moaning girl friends, better offers, etc. all the usual stuff for a Rock n Roll band, but it has all contributed to the colour and profile of the group
We have recorded most of our songs, and will post song changes from time to time. Our music is energetic if nothing else, and versitile by nature. Some hard, some not so hard rock, but all exciting.
The music posted is from our debut album "Out of Control" released in 86, which featured ten tracks in all, two tracks co-written from an earlier line up. After this album release, the band toured Ireland without guitarist B. Tierney as he left shortly after the album was pressed. Joe Burn filled in on drums as Chris Andralinus was unavailable. We also toured extensively in the UK and Europe. Some other drummers who helped out with the rehersals and gigs, Wataru N, from Japan, and Paul Elliott from Sussex " Thanks Guys".
The core members went there own way in the early 90s, Ciaran left, & Niall went off to tour with Midnight Blue, and so working on different projects became the norm, getting in touch for recording/writing sessions for time to time. But with changes in musical direction over the years, the song writing has moved in different directions for the guys.
For me, the song writing has always continued as I have always enjoyed writing music for the band, even if theres are no gigs on the horizion
Some of our past song titles from down the years have been,
Out of Control, Alamain, The Hangman, Fortune Eyes, Deaths Dealer, Rockin Lady, Bloody War, Burning Down the Line, Metal Mania, Between the Lines, Give up, Crazy Lady, Standing Alone, Metal Telepthy, Hold On, Runaway, To late, Castaway, Rockin Roll City.
We have posted our lyrics, case some of you rockers wana cover the songs, "Great"
Keep it rockin yall.
Dec James

My Interests


Member Since: 02/03/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Previous band members and or musicains whom have contributed down the years in one way or another.
Mario Corrigan- Bs, Richard Fitzsimons - Gt, Bobby Tierney - Gt, Eric Block - Gt & Kb, Duncan Burbury Gt & Kb, J.J o Houlahan - Dr, Chris Andralinus - Dr, John Cassidy - Dr, Chris Connolly -Dr, Damian Grant - Dr, Joe Burn - Dr, Wataru Nogch - Dr, Paul Elliot - Dr, Eve Crompton - Backing Vocals,
A lot of drummers in that list, we must have blown there minds. more text on
click on band history

Core Members
Niall C - Bass and Vocals,
Ciaran James - Lead Vocals,
Dec James - Guitars & L.Vocals

Peace and love to yall,
Dec James
Influences: Well being an Irish band, got to say Thin Lizzy. But not just lizzy, there is so much music out there to listen too. Its hard to say what our main influence might be, the music of the late great Phil Lynott would be in there, as would any good song writers like Floyd, and other Irish bands like Mamas Boys, and Horslips in the those early years of writing
We also listen to Deep Purple, Rainbow, Humble Pie, Rush, MSG, Fleetwood Mac, Ozzy, April Wine, Wishbone Ash, Maiden, Alcatrazz, Van Halen, AC/DC. Really everthing from Kate Bush to Zeppelin, Howard Jones to Queen.
If its got melody, rock or other wise, we are there. Lately, bands like Disturbed, NightWish, InMe, Yellow Card, Funeral for a Friend, have caught my eye. All good music!
Sounds Like: Hell Approaching, Great!
Record Label: Metal Masters Records UK, & Crashed Records Rep
Type of Label: Indie

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