~_**Kang**_~ profile picture



About Me

~~** name's Katrina... uhmm... my friends call me kang... i'm a dreamer*a self confessed kikay*a friend lover*a stubborn daughter*a rude and insensitive partner*a talkative student*a hopeless romantic*an addict for sitcoms*a light sleeper*hyperactive* a toughie and yet a softie.... I can be many things so get to know me more....**~~

My Interests

~~**cheerdancing*books*bein' a bum*boys!! haha!!**~~

I'd like to meet:



anythin' that sounds good!!


~~**The Sweetest Thing*So Close*Hot Chick*Serendipity*Knight's Tale*The Skulls*Sweet Home Alabama*DPS*You've got mail*Sweet November* Clueless*Legally Blonde*Sugar & Spice*Maid in Manhattan*Monsters Inc.*TROY**~~


~~**Gilmore girls*Smallville*I dreamed of Jeannie*Sabrina*Clueless*Fear factor*Meteor garden **~~


~~**Small Town Girl*Summer Girls*Harry Potter* A Walk to Remember*Tuesdays with Morrie* Losing Julia*Smith Valley**~~

My Blog

i'm sufferin'

I've seen a lot of people today... I guess I saw too much... It just feels weird bein' there and bein' one of them 'coz i'm not really used to seeing soo much of 'em... all the places are jampacked w...
Posted by ~_**Kang**_~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST