I run a private design/consulting firm concentrating in the night club scene in Sacramento. More than likely you have seen my designs for that of The Park, Avalon, Azukar, Zokku, Momo Lounge, Cabana, Empire, 815L, Tunel 21, Pyramid, and a from a few other night clubs all over the nation.I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work
the more I have of it.- Thomas Jefferson
Turn the world over on its side and everything loose
will land in Los Angeles.- Frank Lloyd Wright
To hell with circumstances.
I create opportunities.- Bruce Lee
Check out the company: Close to 10 years of design and night club experience cumulates to this:
I have 2 German Shepard dogs, named Rocky & Rambo.
And I'm not so bad at Jeopardy.
The indie movie I'm producing, back in production 2007!