.::a.M.b.E.e.R::. profile picture


YOU know YOU'RE the SHIT when PEOPLE who DON'T even KNOW you ALREADY *hate* YOU

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LiKe OmG i LovE ShoPPiNg And LiKe CheeR, AnD LiKe aBeRcoMBiE & FitCh, AnD LiKe BoyS..ALoTHo i WOuLd NEvEr TOuCh oNe CoZ BoyS HaVe CooTiEs..... uMmM No..... i LiKe ChiLLaXiN WiT My HoMieS, MeDiTaTinG, tHe BeaCh, MaGicK, DanCinG, gLoW StiX, VideO GamEs, StaYiNg Up aLL NiGht, HeaLtHy FoOd, AniMe, iM a ToTaL TrEE huGGeR. I LoVe ThE RaiN aND FeEL MoSt ComFeRtaBLe EiTheR iN ThE oCeAn A FoResT oR ThE DanCE FLoOR. I sCuBa DiVE, anD WiLL suRf OnCE My BeLLy PeiRcinG HeaLS. Im A WiLd oNe BuT Can Be TaMmeD By ThE RigHt OnE* I..'m iMpuLsiVE anD VeRy SpoNtaNEouS, AnD LoVe To Do ThiNgs iN ThE HeaT oF The MoMeNt. I tRy To LiVe LiFe To ThE FuLLesT, AnD I BeLieVe ThaT EvErYThinG HaPpEnS FoR a ReAson, So We ShoULd EmBraCe ThE oBsTacLEs We aRe FacEd WiTh AnD LeaRn FroM TheM. I CaRe AboUt The EnViRonMenT And Our EaRth A LoT AnD Do WhaT I Can To Make ThE WoRLd a BeTTeR PLaCe And heLp SaVe OuR WoRlD FRoM aLL ThE PaiN shE iS iN. So yoU ShouLd ToO!! ReCycLE, PiCk Up TrAsH, LeaRn aNd LiSteN, BeComE AwaRe, And be GraTeFuL FoR WhaT yoU haVe BeCauSe NoT EveRyOne iS aS Lucky As yoU aRe!CURRENT MOON about the moon
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I'd like to meet:

aNyOnE WhO wAnTs To MeEt Me

My Sn iS s2RaGaMuFiN GiRL


aTreYu, A GloBaL ThReaT, aFi, BoTToM, BeTwEEn The BuRieD And Me, DraGonFoRce, DreAm TheaTeR, EvE 6, DroWniNg PooL, GreaTFuL DeaD, MiDLEsS SeLF InDuLgEnCe, BoB MaRLeY, ThE DooRs, ShaDowS FaLL, SaGe FraNciS, KiLL HaNNaH, AmBeR PaCiFiC, CouRTnEy LoVe, ThE CryStaL MeThoD, Dj IrENe, Dj VeNoM, Dj IRoniK, Dj LiQuiD, Dj ShaDow, Dj JoeY bLinGz, Dj HpYe, Dj DaVeO, Dj PuLsE, Dj HpErLiTe, FaT BoY SLiM, MaRiLyN MaNsOn, NoFX, ThE RaMoNeS, SeAn PauL, sLipKnoT, BlooDHounD GanG, ChoKiNG ViCtIm, DeF LePPaRd, DePeChE MoDe, ThE EneMieS, EvAnEsAnCe, FoReiNeR, BoN JoVi, DmX, BlaCk EyeD PeAs, BuBbA SPaRxXx, MisSy ElioT, BlaCkaLiciOus, JiMi, HeNDriX, JaNis JopLin, KiTTie, MeDiCaTioN, InFeCTeD MuShRooM, DraCoNiAN, MeSt, Weird AL YaNKoViCh, MxPx, MiCcaEL FraNTi & SPeaRHEad, MisErY SiGnaLS, NeuRoTiCa, BiG & RiCh, OpETh, ThE PosTaL SeRviCe, PiNk FLyoD, SubLiMe, SanTanA, TruSt ComPaNY, ThE VinEs, WoLFMoTheR, JouRnEy, MusTaRd pLuG, NiRVaNa, SmaShiNg PuMpKinS, HiM, AlKaLiNe TriO, CoLd, SuGaR CuLT, ReHaB, CyPreSS HiLL, IrOn MaiDen, PaNteRa, MeTaLLiCa, CraDLE oF FiLtH, DaRkeST HouR...AnD A BuNCh Of OTheR ShiT...


qUeeN oF ThE DaMNeD-LEsTaT iS SoOoO FoXi* PeTeR PaN. ThE BuTTeRfLy EffeCt. InuYaSha. Mr & Mrs SmiTh. TiTaNiC. SLC PuNk. AMeRiCaN HiSToRY X. ThE NeVeR EnDiNg SToRY. ThE DooRs. MiRRoR MaSk. MouLin RouGe. LiTTLe MiSs SuNshiNe. WhaT ThE bLeeP Do We KnoW. SaW. The NoTeBoOk... MaNy MoRe...
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CaRToOn NeTwoRk. HiStoRy ChaNnEL. DisCovErY ChaNneL.
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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


CoMinG BaCk To LiFe. AnNe RiCe NoVeLS. ThE CeLesTiNe PRoPhECY. ThE TenTh iNsiGhT. HaRRy PoTTeR. NoRa RobErTs BoOkS. WiLLiAm ShaKEspEaR WRiTinGs. Go AsK aLiCe. AnD ManY MoRe


My Blog

FILL IT OUT and I will ♥ u 4eva!

Who are you?Are we friends?When and how did we meet?How have I affected you?What do you think of me?Whats the fondest memory you have of me?How long do you think we will be friends?Do you love me?Woul...
Posted by Aimez-moi ♥ on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:42:00 PST

Hope Lives When People Remember

So a while ago I went to the Museum of Tolerance and I just recently watched Shindlers List. I feel that it is important for people to learn about the trajedies of the Holocaust, so here is a biograph...
Posted by Aimez-moi ♥ on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 02:55:00 PST

Killing Us Softly

Advertisements have the power to control us whether we are aware of their intentions or not. Advertising psychologically manipulates the viewer to become obsessed with thinness, to become obsessed wit...
Posted by Aimez-moi ♥ on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 02:46:00 PST

The Great Turning

"We take the existence of clean air and water, the continued growth of crops and availability of raw materials, for granted. We know that these resources are finite, but because we only thing of our o...
Posted by Aimez-moi ♥ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:16:00 PST