About Me
Inspired by a Delhi road sign, a truly Indian event brand arrives with a sway of attitude and a smirk of cheekiness. The elephant is a revered animal, majestic in all its form and an everlasting symbol of where we are….. Bharat. It is also a metaphor for the sleeping giant within us all, constricted by societal norms, urbanisation and logic. To be told an elephant cannot walk on the roads of Delhi… is absolutely absurd!Its time to get abstract and lash away, consider this is an open invitation to everyone, come and massage your eardrums with the spectrum of musical vibrations listened to around the world, from rock&roll&rave to funky break beat, minimal techno, house, drum’n bass, underground hip hop, dubstep, live acts, electro, and many more genres, showcasing 4 DJs, a shot of 1 VJ and other performers all in one night! A spectacular session once a month in Delhi…. a place to be scene and herd. 6 month story will be decked out, imagine drapes, old school party props and much more… you’ll see and you’ll feel.Rest assured this night is going to be different, its very ethos is one of freedom… freedom to express oneself though music and fashion, leaving an historic footprint on the culture of an ancient land. A place to come together and be who you want to be… is Elephants Only. Once again, everyone is invited… and like any other great event in the world…there will be some codes. You are required to be fly, creative & flamboyant with your attire. There are no prizes for the best and worst dressed, so you ask why make the effort? Well…….this essential pre requisite adds more masala to this indo-continental clubbing evolution. The idea here is to have fun, lots of it…and for that you need to break your chains.Tell your friends… tell your mama…….tell your local maharaja….. the elephants are out!The first event will feature a collection of some of the funkiest and eclectic DJs so be prepared to be rocked up for sure. One month passes and the second event will come stronger with a completely new line up…. sticking to the agenda of doing things differently.. each time...