Danielle profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 22.. just finished up my last semester at the University of Akron. I have the best friends in the world. I hate being bored and sitting still. I love being outside.. even when it's 90* out. I love my job.. yes I really actually do. If you want to know anything else, send me a message.
Survey 101:
First Name: Danielle
Date of Birth: January 29
Single-Married-Divorced: Single
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light brown-ish
Height: 5'6
Piercings: 2 in each ear
Tattoos: 2 so far
Where are you now? my bed :)
TV Show: Family Guy
Movie: Gone in 60 Seconds.. :)
Disney Character: ?..... umm dont have one
Flower: wild flowers
Food: chinese! haha
Drink: jack & coke.. or beer
Ice Cream: any :)
Non Alcoholic Drink: gatorade
Alcoholic Drink: ...didn't I just answer this?
Store: New York & Co.
Singer/Group: Buckcherry
Song: Rise Above This - Seether
Concert:: any and all lol
Season: spring/fall
Month: May.. except this May because it's too rainy
Holiday: Turkey Day!
Board Game hmmm Scrabble.. lol
Video Game: ...........
Card Game: texas holdem
Number of Children: 0
How many girls, boys? 0
Number of Pets: 2
Pets Spayed or Neutered? yes - both
Number of Rooms in Your House? 3 bedrooms
Number of Vehicles in Your Driveway? 3
Do You Drive All the Vehicles in your Driveway? not the truck..
Have You Ever:
Been Embarrassed? of course
Danced with your child? dont have one
Taught someone to drive? ha no
Built a snow sculpture? yes
Been Fired? no
Fired Someone? ughhh not exactly.. sat in on a few though given my profession
Said Something you regretted? yes
Did Something you regretted? yes
Cheated on a test/exam? probably back in middle school or something.. don't really remember
Cheated on your partner? no
Broke a Law? no..?
Bought Illegal fireworks? yes.. so i guess that makes the above yes lol
Made a prank phone call? yes
Flirted? yes
Caught Someone Doing Something They Weren't Suppose to be Doing? yes
Skinny Dipped? no
Wished on a Star? yeah
Dance in the Rain? always
Bought something that was advertised on TV? haha yeah
Left the Country? no
"Mooned" someone? no
Called in Sick When You Weren't? yes
Republican or Democrat? either.. lol!
Did You Vote at Last Election? yes
For or Against Abortion? its a women's choice... but some women shouldnt be allowed lol
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? merry xmas
For or Against Gay Marriages? for
Politicians are Thieves or Upstanding Citizens? both
Illegal Immigrants are Welcome or Send them Back? ugh
Remembering Firsts
Boyfriend/Girlfriend? 5th grade.. dan
Heartbreak? 6th grade... jordan
Car? 2000 ford escort
Accident? knock on wood... no accidents
Time You Got Pulled Over By The Police? 18.. on route 422 doing 23 over... oops
Went to a Dance? 6th grade
Funeral You Attended? my great aunt sarah when i was like 10
School Years
Decade you Graduated in? 04-high school, 08-college
Ever had Detention? yes
Ever been Suspended? no
Ever been Expelled? no
Caught Smoking in the Bathroom? no
Went to Your Prom? yes.. it sucked
Went To Your Graduation? in high school.. skipped college graduation lol
Like Your Graduating Pictures? yeah
Favorite Subject? english.. weird i know
Best Subject? algebra lol
Teacher You Remember Most? mr. rosati
Took Drivers Education? yes
Skipped School? yes....
Got into a Fight? ha yeah.. 16.. punched a guy in the nose :)
Do You Have a Job? yes :)
Do Like Your Job? yes
Been Promoted? yes
Travel With Your Job? no
Get Along With Your Co-Workers? hope so
Get Along With Your Boss? yes
Looking For A Career Change? no
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

My Blog

So true...

Sooo I confess that I saw this on someone else's profile.. and it was just awesome.. so I stole it   Some men are born with swag where others are not so fortunate. The game of life can...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:59:00 GMT