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You can call me Amanda or Amaya Lynn
Don't call me Mandi, only 2 people have that priviledge
One life. One love. One chance.
Those words are very true..
I'm 21 years old
I have 2 sons... Chip Allen and Braydon
My sons are first &&& foremost in my life
I'm singggle &&& like it that way
Don't send me messages trying to hit on me
I don't have many close friends
But the ones I do have are awesome
Joey. Brandi. Reanna. Mary.
I dislike posers &&& fake, shisty people
I had a few of those I just told to kick rocks.
I'm grown, I don't have time for drama or lil kid games
I like to have fun, but know when it's time to grow up
I love life &&& try to live it the best way I know how
Anything else you wanna know, hit me up
Message me on yahoo...
[email protected]