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About BBN
Hey visitors. I want to say, hello and welcome to, 'Best Bands Networkâ„¢' page. First off, thanks so much for visiting. It's so great you found my site. And if you love music like I do then you're really gonna love this... or not. It all depends on what you listen to! So the main reason I made this page originally was so I could find out about all kinds of different, great bands, but as I started to add them I decided to start spreading the word about them. Now I add links to the side, where you too can find out about the bands that I've discovered. Trust me you're gonna like most of them. And if you are a starting band like most of them here, then you could check out some competition. Is your band better then them? If so, prove it! Add me now, and keep me updated with any new stuff you got. Wheither it's a new album or a concert tell me, I wanna know. I support each and everyone of the bands listed, so keep up the work. Again, if you're not a band please also show support to them! You can also tell me about myspace bands I need to listen too. Well, that's all for now, if you have any questions or favors to ask, ask because I've got nothing better to do but hear what you gotta say!Warning: I'm only human. I make many mistakes on the URLs for the band's mypsace links. So if you are listed please double check if your name leads to your site, or if I spelled something wrong let me know. Also if you aren't listed don't take it personal, I'm pretty sure I just forgot. Contact me for any of these reasons, and I will fix them first chance I get. Sorry to anyone who may have to contact me.
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Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead. -Benjamin Disraeli CLICK PIC & ADD ADD BEST BANDS NETWORKâ„¢ For bands and for people who need music. It's all here. :)Current Playlist
When You're Around by The Downtown Fiction The Victoy by Joy in Tomorrow Anything I say by iKiss Your Ghost!The Bands
Kill Your Ex School Boy Humor The Second Sunrise Another Cynthia Close to Home Dikta All thats Mine Living Another Yesterday Photobooth Production Sing It Loud The Downtown Fiction The Sign Off DJEIL Seven Story Fall Versus the Ocean The Getaway Team Veil Cassni Grindwall Under Foreign Skies Long Story Short The Sex Prophets Valora Seppuku Paradigm Tears of Joy The Feathertops The American Life The Overunder Call it a Night Boys will be Boys Alert All Arms Rook You are the Science I am the Faith Saving Litchfield The Right Coast Wide Eyed Kid Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer Amarionette Jet Lag Gemini Buffalo Alice Hero in Action Level Zero Redemption From Downfall The Dirty Disco And Thats how you Wrestle a Bear Love, She Wrote Winter Ashes Forever On The Shoreline Centaur Rodeo A Place In The Sun I am the Enemy The Dream Intended Ericson Sound the City Goodnight, Sleep Tight Down for the CountRunning with GiantsConnery Marca Live VIA Sky The Cross Town Rivarly The Sort Racing Kites Lannel Fall TV/TVShallow SenseThey Sink ShipsThe Napalm KidsSet It OffHotspurKnife of LibertyFrankie JazzCity Under SiegeTime and DistanceNew LibertyI Talk to RobotsLife On HighRomantic EmilyChances are High Filthy Modern Hearts Rotation This Promise Daybreakriot Crash Coordinates Backstreet Abortion Phone Calls From Home Starting Last Able and Baker October Nites As In Reason Saved by Grace Black Suit Youth Aaron's Agony home -msg - block - pics -blog -add me - friendsWhere the Best Connect