Andy profile picture


Do burns' victims get a discount from a crematorium?

About Me

Amazingly good looking, massive, smart as well as great personality. A general perfect person, don't get much better than this - Don't Hate the player, Hate the game. People often say: "Wow, that is the most gangsta ass nigga I have ever seen" and I reply "yes"
My hates are; Anything involing using a glue stick, Punk rock (Emo's - trying to be different and then falling into a stereotype - Good call you fucking nubs), deciet, A missed call from (no number).
My Favourite quotes: "The world was ment to be adam and eve, not adam and steve", "When you do things right, People won't notice that you've done anything at all", "BOOM, He got some gas on that one!", "Whateva - I do what I want!", "When I was 13 I noticed that I always got a hole in my sock from my big toe - So I stopped wearing socks" and absolute gold from my physics lecturer - "Silence implies consent"
Yea well something that actually isn't left over from school, I at uni and I study what i like - physics and maths, however I believe David Palmer is the most decent man to grace the earth - too decent for the times we live in. Yea but other just doing as one does whilst a uni - get's free money from the government and works some boring shitty paying job [go safeway], Live in rockin North melb - fully gangsta. Oh yea I tutor (generally) year 12 maths & physics and (can struggle my way through) chemistry, which is always good as the pay is good. But yea the trusty 360 will pull through as always, Geometry wars, Gears (Pop'n chopps off) - what more could someone ask for. Also (kinda) have a dog - Alaskan malamute (Husky/wolf thing) which is the coolest. I guess the only other thing is Ice hockey, the greatest sport on earth, been taking to the Ice for a while, not a pro but it is awesome, except my one-timers could certainly do with some aim!
Well I noticed they eveyone (Yes actually every single person) had this so I stole it in the hope that now I have it, people will think I'm cool...
Name: Andy "Mac Daddy" McCulloch
Birthday: 5/12/86
Birthplace: Hospital
Current Location: In Cyberspace/On a chair in a room in an Appartment in North Melbourne in Victoria in Austrailia on Earth in etc. [You get the picture]
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'5''
Right Handed or Left Handed: ambidexterious [right]
Your Heritage: Scottish/English
The Shoes You Wore Today: Thongs (Jandles)
Your Weakness: Believing People, Speelling
Your Fears: Being decieved
Your Perfect Pizza: Pizza is for fat people.. So anything with alot of meat & mushrooms, no olives or anchovies makes anything good
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To strive to achieve the goal I set to achieve next year
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: probably "hi" or "hey" or something to welcome/return welcome someone to a conversation
Thoughts First Waking Up: Hope it isn't wednesday or Saturday
Your Best Physical Feature: Is this a joke? The whole package
Your Bedtime: None of your buisness
Your Most Missed Memory: Upper Beac
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.. Pepsi is for homosexual's (Whether they are aware of this fact or not)
MacDonalds or Burger King: They both taste like shit
Single or Group Dates: Group Dates; Dating 3 women at once is much more efficient.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Who the fuck cares? Make your own tea and let it get cold.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: None of this watering down/soaking bullshit, strait up coffee beans.
Do you Smoke: Fuck no.
Do you Swear: Never have & never will
Do you Sing: I do sometimes, but mystriously things always die when i do.
Do you Shower Daily: Of course.. If by showering daily you mean not showering ever
Have you Been in Love: Only with material possesions
Do you want to go to College: I'm not american, cock sucker, but i am at uni
Do you want to get Married: One day
Do you belive in yourself: Truely. Without this you are no more man than beast
Do you get Motion Sickness: In certain inertial reference frames, but not Earth or any frame v much less then c
Do you think you are Attractive: Well only others can say
Are you a Health Freak: My dietitians & personal trainers said I wasn't
Do you get along with your Parents: I try - 1 out of 2 ain't bad
Do you like Thunderstorms: Possibly my favourite.. I love to stand on top of mountains with giant conducting rods during them
Do you play an Instrument: I assume they mean musical - I played the flute for 8 years and played the pipe-drum for 4
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: Only passively from other dirty fucks
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Only illicit, none of that legal crap
In the past month have you gone on a Date: All these questions assume that you would update this monthly - and that just isn't going to happen.. but anyway: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Again; not in America captain nob goblin
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Repeat above, but admittedly we sell them at work, and I was doing the dumps and there was a damged box and i may have eaten some, so i guess yes
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: I have walked on some, so yes.
In the past month have you been Dumped: Yea, by this fat mother fucker and he forgot to flush so I just floated there for like 4 hours.. Thanx fat boy
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Where? it's fucking winter.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Well admittedly I am secretly the hamburgler.. So i did burglarize some steamed hams
Ever been Drunk: Maybe
Ever been called a Tease: Teaser
Ever been Beaten up: Have been Beaten off
Ever Shoplifted: I have tried, but they are pretty fucking heavy
How do you want to Die: Attempting to race a skidoo whislt I ice skate along the top of a semi-trailer on an arctic highway, win but overshoot, land face down on the road, slowly look up and see the 2 beaming headlights of a charging bus and then - WHAM!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A fireman.. Nah shit seriously, just happy.
What country would you most like to Visit: Peru & Egypt
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Any, accept red.
Favourite Hair Color: Generally darker
Short or Long Hair: Definately not bald.
Height: Shorter than me
Weight: Less than me
Best Clothing Style: No clothes
Number of Drugs I have taken: That is a fucking stup question. How could anyone know that? Think of when you are a baby, they put shit in you 1) you can't remember and 2) Have no idea what it does
Number of CDs I own: Let's just say alot.
Number of Piercings: Exactly 1 billion. All on my ass.
Number of Tattoos: as above
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I try to live without regret, but 2. Well 3 if you count the fact the other night I was brushing my teeth and I managed to get toothpaste to come out of my nose, and that REALLY hurt.

My Interests

Blunts, Bitches, Phatty beats, The Public Bar (Dollar, Dollar Pots), Hiking, Nature, Crusing in my pimp-mobile, Polar bears, Ice Hockey, Samurais, Trees, Historical Literature dating c.120BC, Obtaining pleasure from the misrible dimises of people and thus obtaining personal satisfaction, Sleeping to dream of a faulse reality

I'd like to meet:

Who needs new people in their lives when he has what he desires before and around him?
Definately not god damn randoms, so If I don't know you and you are considering adding me or sending some shitty message "oh hey just networking, by the way listen to my band or join my group" or some bullshit like that. For some reason comepletely benign to me, you get the image I have a slight interest you. Well you are so unbelieveably far from the truth - so how about a big serving of fuck off? Yea? That sounds good to me..
But as a side; WILL SMITH!.. The inventer of crystal meth - 1ne sweet chump (Well not really - that guy has really funked some shiz up). Some-one in a "Splinter Cell" type organization (ie. Third Echilon or a similar group), I think those guys are really cool, and a cool job. Jack bauer [I also think that David plamer should be president - the attack on the embassy had to be done!] The O.C. crew, you know someone tried to tell me they weren't real people the other day, what a weirdo!? Mario Lemieux, The greatest to wear 66, but i guess anyone playing for (or having played for) the penguins - we may be at the bottom now, but you just wait! Ehhhhhh... Scott Tenermin!
And most definately the people behind today tonight, a current affair and the goverment - all of which are people who believe think are 'advancing' and 'evolving' the human race for the better of mankind and are so far from the truth (so i can kill them)


Fiddy Cen & 2PAC & OutKast & Snoop Dogg (DPG) & T.S. & Twista & Dr. Dre & Method Man/Red Man & Obie Trice & Busta & BEP & Will Smith (Black people in general), S Club 7 (now 6), 5ive, N-Sync* Justin rocks my world. Actually; Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers, Linkin Park, Ben Folds, Coldplay, Snow Patol, Jimi Hendrix, Tidy Boys, Gatecrasher, Guyver, Alpazone, Unknown Artist. Generally anything that isn't punk rock/emo bullshit


Remember the Titans, Crash, Aliens, The Rock, Snatch, Lock Stock, Pulp Fiction, Se7en, Donnie Darko, Die Hard, X-Men, X-Men 2, Jackass, Jackass 2, Groove, Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, The hunted, Ace Ventura 2: Pet detective, Office Space, Old school, Finding Nemo, Kevin & Perry go large, Primer, oh and anything with 'the rock' as the main star


Futurama, Seinfeld, 24, Fresh Prince, Red dwarf, Faulty towers, monty python, The O.C. (Yea, not really), Scrubs, Just shoot me, Jackass, X-men (Old school), Dragon Ball Z (Well the fighting stuff anyway), Sailor moon (She is HOT [Well as hot as a cartoon can be]), When lorne bowls goes tragically/discustingly wrong, When Sex goes wrong (12.30 SBS Saturday night - never watched it, but certainly sounds intruiging), The Amazing race (Old school - before it got popular, DAM YOU ALL), Meet my folks (American version), The Chaser (On occasions can be rather humourous) Spicks & Specks, The Glass House... Oh and most definately A Current Affair & Today Tonight


Despite my problems with the english language; How to remove the large intestine without causing death, Where's Waldo, A Short History of Nearly everything, A brief history of time, The worlds most deadly lamp-shades, The Magic Far-away tree


I would have to say pretty much every genieus to have ever postulated something worth postulating. Anyone that stands up for what they believe in. David Palmer, Jack Bauer. Mario Lemieux couldn't go without a mention, if you don't know his story, look it up, it's worth the read. People with academic talents which (potentially) could change the world, especially now since it needs to be done, who do nothing or take the idea of the money making career which they have no interest in are the appitamy of my non-hero. - Also Will Smith (he's black)