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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

........................... We are all in this together and can't even begin to do the work alone... we are the supporters of St Judes Childrens Hosptial. As a whole we the friends of this page try in some fashion or way to give back to the community and try to help the kids who are expercing illness. .... In 2003 I started a drive to raise money for a cause very near and dear to my heart it was simply away I was able to give back. In 1999 I lost my daughter shortly after birth to a maligant tumor. Although doctors first thought she would overcome this and survive that was not to be the case.... in her spirit I have wanted to carry on the fight she tried so hard to do, when you see your new born infant struggling to breath and grasp for another moment so doctors can try and perform miracles to keep her with us it is hard but when you know she is in a better place and is resting it is up to you to carry on her fight.... I am trying to do just that - over the past few years I have held my event at such places as Great America and AllState Arena for a Wolves game my 2008 event was held as a all day cosmic bowling event in Oak Lawn and we are planning for a bigger venue in October of 2009 to continue the fun we all had at last years event, also coming in 2009 I am "stoked" to be joined by some of the best local country talent Hillbilly Rockstarz, Chase Daniels & Western Star along with Yard Fulla Cars are all playing one night for the cause - 5-16-09 at Bobby McGees in Chicago Ridge - my goal each and every year is simple it is.... 1 day where we can all get together and give thanks in some way or another to thoose at St Judes who day in and day out never give up on fighting the good fight to save a child, they never turn a family away because of inabilty to cover medcial bills, they never refuse housing to a family who wants to be at the bedside while their child stays at St. Jude.... this to me is the best and most touching charity I have ever come in contact with and with the help of my friends I am sure we will make this the best fundraiser to date. I once again will be teaming up with US99.5 & ASAP Productions to help promote my 2009 event - so you know I will have plenty of cool prizes and raffle items to look forward to. Last year we had dianmonds,trip to the Bahamas,Hotel packages.... what will we have in the fall of '09... stay tuned but I can assure you it will be well worth your donation to St Jude Children's Hospital fundraiser.... if you are unable to attend a event I throw to benefit St Jude but would like to make a small donation to the cause please feel free to make a check out directly to St Jude Children's Hospital and I will see to it you recive a tax reciept....................

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All of the wonderful staff who gives their time,spirit and energy to saving the lives of children on a daily basis,all of the familes who in some way are helped by the treatment and care performed by St Jude Children's Research Hospital who some day soon can share with us the dream of seeing to it that childhood cancer is no longer a issue.

My Favorite MySpace 2.0 Layouts

My Blog

Still doing St Jude events... however I use Facebook

Just a quick FYI - many of you have sent emails asking if I am sill involved with helping promote events for St Jude via email or phone calls over the past month.... I still do events to raise money f...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 07:33:00 GMT

Country Cares for Kids benefit
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 14:39:00 GMT

Country Cares for Kids concert in Chicago Ridge, IL 5-16-09

Hosted By:Chicagoland Is Fighting Childhood CancerWhen:Saturday, May 16, 2009Where:Bobby McGees Good Times Pub - 21+ over10139 S. HarlemChicago Ridge60415Description:Tickets are selling for $10 to thi...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:41:00 GMT

What a year it has been

In early 2008 this page started with about twelve friends... within two months we topped the hundred mark and by my event in September we had two hundred, now at the close of 2008 we are well ove...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 01:10:00 GMT

4 ways to purchase tickets for St Jude Cosmic Bowl

As you know my team of supporters is working on making this event a sell out before the day of Sept. 20 comes.... here are the details and methods to obtain your tickets prior....Brunswick Zone - 4700...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 07:22:00 GMT

just because

With the event a few weeks away and the summer winding to a close I wanted to look back and praise all of the friends who have stepped up and done so much to help with planning,picking up donations,ti...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 19:23:00 GMT

we are going to have a blast!!!

The countdown has certainly begun and all though it seems a long time from now the work most be done now in order to make this my biggest and best fundraiser ever.  I looked around today an notic...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:03:00 GMT