YOU!!! Well at least I hope it is you. What is it I want. Like any man, I am attracted to beauty. The feminine form is a wonderful thing. As you can see from the many ladies on my friends list. But beauty without substance is worthless. How do you measure the value of a woman. Sometimes thay are priceless and sometimes they are worthless. But how to tell the difference. Show me the true you. The person inside. The passion, intelligence, charm, the caring, the essence of what you stand for. Oh and don't expect me to read your mind. We men are kind of dense when it comes to seeing things through a womans perspective. I will try to be observant and remember things like what you were wearing on our first date. I will try to pick up on the subtle hints that women give, that most men are oblivious to. Just be patient with me. I am a lifelong work in progress.