Once I had a life. I had a family and I was on the verge of succeeding in my job. All that I dreamed of was about to come true. Then, all of a sudden...EVERYTHING changed.I changed. I don't know why but life just seemed to back away from me.Love backed away from me. I started to drink and I hung out in the dirtiest spots of my city for a long time.I lost myself there.Somewhere. Never to be found again.The next thing I remember is me lying on the cold floor of an abandoned fallout shelter somewhere down below. Deep down below. It was equipped with a bed, a storage room full of canned food,canisters of water, a bathroom, an office with a telephone,a radio and shelves full of maps and books.It must have been waiting for me since 1965. So it says in the instruction manual I found in the office.Since then I call it my home.First thing I did was repairing the computer I found under a pile of papers. Sometimes I can get into the internet, but only on myspace.Ironic. No one around except people via the internet. Since some weeks now I wander around in the undergound.Searching for a way up.A way out of this "lost world in the deepness of humanity".That's what I call it.I have a telephone in my shelter and every day I came home to sleep I was begging for it to ring. Just to hear a human voice again.Yesterday someone called me.He told me his name was Dermont. I am not alone.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
It sounds silly, but it's all about YOU.I am not alone. I know that now. I need your support and your feedback. If you came across this profile and you don't know DERMONT, please visit his profile. He saved my life.I owe him.Thank you.
My Blog
Once upon a time in the disco
This night I dreamt of one of my numerous evenings.I remember thick base sound.Bodies moving.Some of them moving against the beat.Most of them according to the beat.All had one in common.The need of a... Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:56:00 GMT
The wedding bullet
I never thought I get killed inside.Many bullets had missed before but this one hit my heart.It pierced right through it.Short pain, short breath.I took it out of the wall of my emotional ho... Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 14:49:00 GMT