Lol I'm looking for a man???? I can't really say. Its so hard to be There are a lot of good guys out here but its hard, as we can all attest to, to find the right guy. the right guy for me isn't Mr. GQ but Mr. IQlol with subtle beauty and imagination. I'm passionate about who i am and i change a lot. Men my age live for the mundane, humdrum, and lowly. I need provoked passion to ignite a flam over my body. His mind: intelligence. His heart: humble, his spirit: boundless. through each other discover who we really are.But right now I'm not really looking, just learning to breath on my own and standing on my won two feet. I met a few men who think that riches can buy you. I've met Einsteins, I've met GQ's and ballas. I've met such a wide array. But it breaks some where: I felt i had everything to lose and never anything to gain. We make sacrifices for love but love's spoils and attributes supersedes any sacrifice made.
I'm alone but my content covers me and holds patience for me to wait with my mind, body, and dignity for the right person.
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