Hot Myspace layouts
behind the alcohol, and behind the smile -- i'm just a girl who wishes for happiness. i'm nikki. you will never understand me. i'm hot, i'm cold, i don't even understand myself. i'm very impatient and picky -- the type of girl who knows what she wants and gets it. i'm ambitious and i chase my dreams any chance i get. i'm strong and independent -- not just the ditzy blonde you see in photographs floating around the internet. i am a very laid back and chill girl, until you give me reason to get upset -- which takes a lot. i used to allow myself to trust everyone, but i end up being dissappointed pretty much every time. that's life. you live and you learn. i used to live my life to please everyone else. it's been recently that i don't give a shit. i'm putting me first for once. i live my life to the fullest for me and only me. i don't care for people who live to please the world. i like people that are independent. i like people that believe in something and live their lives according to their beliefs. i hate people who judge. i want to live my life without restrictions. if i want to pick my nose while i'm driving -- you bet i'm going to be picking a winner. if i have sex hair and want to wear my pajamas to the grocery store, i'll do that too. i don't care what anyone else thinks because honestly, i don't need any of you in my life to survive. i can't stand when people have that attitude like "you can't go on without me" or "you need me" -- biggest bullshit i ever heard. this not only goes for me, but for everyone. the only person you need in this world is yourself, do not let anyone tell you any different. i always do what I want and say what I feel. I don't like for people to tell me what to do. i'm hard-headed and i learn in difficult ways. i enjoy keeping people guessing, and very few people have figured me out.