Butch @ BEATHAVEN profile picture


About Me

Here we are in the new year of 2009 and one day away from one of the most historic days in all our lives. OUT with whatever it was and IN with the new HOPE and CHANGE. Let's all stay networked and try to do our part in making the upcoming days positive. If you haven't reached out to friends in some time, NOW is a great time to do it because to keep them from slowly disappearing ONE person has to reach out, so it might as well be YOU. Happy New Year :-)Recording Otis Blues Band at Hardluck Recording Studios
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/1/2008
Band Website: www.nypt.net
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Finally, new pics, well old but new for here :-)

Finally had a minute of down time to just sit around and run thru some old drives with these old pictures on'em. Have a look and a giggle. There are many cherished friends and times gathered here and ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:47:00 GMT

Startin Up :-)

Hey Y'all, just checking the can and cannot do's along with getting my feet drenched in this brand new (for me) talent pool called MySpace. So keep checking up on me and I look forward to any help and...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:25:00 GMT