Acting, dancing, singing, sailing , sports, college football (go Buckeyes) , watching movies, long walks on the beach (jk), reading, sleeping
Frank Sinatra (so he'll sing to me)Grace Kelly (to learn some style and class)And all the religous teachers throughout history so we can get the facts straight and find the love again. And maybe you, if you're lucky!
Everything except really hard, screaming rock. My brother has an amazing indie rock band called check it out. He's also one of my friends.
Everything!!!!!!! I love movies. Especially old movies, mafia movies , and The Notebook . Man did I cry in that movie. And can i just put it out there and say that Waiting for Guffman is one of the best movies EVER!!
Right now I am addicted to... Lost, Prison Break, Mtv shows, HEROES (Hiro is the best), and abc on Sunday nights!!! God I'm a tv junkie. I can't help myself, when I'm tired there's nothing better.
Right now I am reading a book by an amazing man named Joel S. Goldsmith. It's called The Infinite Way. If you're interested in spirituality at all read this book. Another great one i'm reading (spiritually) is by Eckhart Tolle called A New Earth. It's amazing!!!
My mom and dad. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true.