(stole this from steven) I'd like to meet YOU...if you score a 7 or above on this test... Please answer the following questions as truthfully as possible and add up your own score. 1. Are you by any means considered articulate, conversational adept, or generally interesting? (Yes add 1 point) 2. Do you enjoy new places, people, and experiences that are beyond the scope of your comfort-zone? (Yes add 1 point) 3. Are you fundamentally an optimistic person? (Yes add 1 point) 4. Do you bore quickly of things which are not overtly entertaining such as parties and clubs? (No add one point) 5. Do you smoke or drink on a regular basis? (No add 1 point) 6. Have you set ambitious, yet attainable goals for every aspect of your life? (Yes add 1 point) 7. Are you capable of being entertained by nothing more than the company of a single, captivating individual? (Yes add 1 point) 8. Can you be showered with honest and heartfelt displays or affection both verbally and physically on a consistent basis without becoming self-conscious or suspecting a hidden agenda? (Yes add 1 point) 9. Is your past filled with a greater-than-average amount of regrets over things within your control? (No add 1 point) 10. Are you able to exercise self-disciple in difficult situations, and keep the big picture in mind when the circumstances may prompt you to narrow your vision to the emotion(s) at hand? (Yes add 1 point) Bonus: Add 1 point if your funny... Remember we are looking for scores of 7 or better! If that’s you then please send a message! Thank you.