.. "; .. ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Do you ever wonder if Salvation is by grace or works? Do you feel like you have to do something to make things right with God? Does your Pastor preach grace one week and then the next make you feel like you have to do something to keep your Salvation? Come and find out what Salvation is and have your Salvation settled once and for all!
We are a "grace-believing" group of sinners saved by the all-sufficiency of God's love and mercy. He provided all we need for salvation and then placed a seal upon us until He takes us to be with Him forever. Our scripture proof texts for these things are Rom.5:6-11; Eph.1:12-14; Col.2:9,10. Our meeting times are from 8pm to 9pm every Friday night! Each of these meetings is centered on the study of God’s Word, not on unprofitable ritual or emotional outbursts. Edifying study is our aim.
We teach that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day for our justification according to the Scriptures!
We will show you how "organized" religion mis-leads and lies to you to make you feel guilty! We'll blow the lid off organized religion!
We focus on the mysteries (that are found right in Scripture) of God that main-line churches won't tell you or don't want you to know about in the hopes that you will stay in they're religion rather than a saving knowledge of the Truth of the Gospel of the Grace of God!
The Bible study is question friendly!
Join us Fridays at 8pm in the conference room of Brave New Books bookstore:
1904 Guadalupe (the corner of MLK and Guadalupe under the Chase Bank building)
Austin TX