The divine blade of the ninth realm of Lundenfaulk, the one they say will defeat the band of demon Hosenglads when the Queen planet of the Neptinius star system has alligned itself with the central vortex of the universe. The vortex is locked in the heart of deep space and can only be opened by the hand which bares the blade. The Blade Barer's name shall be JAGUAR PRINCESS, almighty empress of the 4th dimension cross over mutants. A band of freedom fighters severely deformed during their passage from the 4th to the third dimension during the Pallecache Mind transcendence, a multi dimensional time of harmony during which a ripple, from one of the 1st dimensions stars, was prematurley exploded by an overabundance of hydrogen in the star's core. Although grotesquely mishappen, they are merry chaps with hearts of gold and fervor.