...s a r a h b o o... profile picture

...s a r a h b o o...

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About Me

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(or otherwise known as deegs, BOO or Justin Timberlake, dyke)
i go to stamford college doing a BND in health studies, then going to sheffield hallam uni in september to study nursing :)
im a very busy girl having 3 jobs and college, so i value the time i have to relax and party. you could call me a student/junior carer/learning support assistant/shoe fitter
i drive and have a beautiful ford ka called Felicity :)
i love dancing and going out with my girls, absolutly stunning!!
my best friends = meg, meg and kerry.
i like driving down the back roads so that i dont no where im goin to end up. and road trips with sunnies :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ive already met the best people in the world..but if think you will make my life better then go ahead.


mostly kiss fm haha i love it


my all time fav film is ..notebook, footlose and dirty dancing, Titanic, mean girls, lord of the rings, harry potter, just married, bring it on, white chicks and disney films...dont mind horrors either


Friends, friday night project, hollyoaks, the simpsons, 8 simple rules, hope and faith, skins


the best books are the confessions of Georgia Nicholson By Louise Rennison


my heros are my mum, sister, nan and grandads and my friends!!
MEG - shes amazin!! first time we met was toilets of the oak with a dodgy conversation!! haha our friday nights in bourne are a giggle, also like 2 touch her up in bed!! i love our conversations and that they get very graphic, shes an amazin cook. pingu!!
MEG (50 CENT) - a year ago i didnt really no her but i dont no wat i would do without her in my life!! i love our nights out shots, dancing, falling over (me down the stairs ..ive got ur drink dont worry.. shes my dyke and i love her :D because she is absolutly STUNNING!!! one big rave!
KERRY - kerry is the best!! i love her and tht we have so much in common! not seein her everyday at college makes my day. i love her very much :) she is my girlfriend xxx