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John John Janito

About Me

John Frasier aka john john janito was born on may 3 1982. Raised by a single parent his mother Jacqueline Ann Hill, with her help he over came many opstacles as a young kid. He begin writing rap lyric's in 1996 at the age of sixteen. After the death of his mother (Feb 10 2003) do to cancer he decided to persue his music on a professional level. So in 2006 he founded Blakhill Entertainment. Named after his favor color and mothers last name he strives to take Blakhill to the top... John John Janito | Create Your Badge
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Member Since: 29/02/2008
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Type of Label: Indie

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For features and bookings

[email protected]
Posted by on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 17:59:00 GMT