Music, film, art, FakeKnife, shows(playing them and going to them), playing music with as many people as possible, recording, mixing, producing albums, scoring film and video, photography, vinyl, reading, writing music, editing anything, drawing, sarcasm, hanging out with friends, anything Apple, Pro Tools, cutting analog tape, random trips, coffee, insomnia, hoboken, karma, and occasionally sleeping....haha i lie..i dont sleep..(see insomnia)...
This is rough. Friends will tell you that i'm in to pretty much everything. I can usually find something good in every genre. It's my life, really. haha
Anything by Kevin Smith, Requiem for a dream, back to the future trilogoy, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, godfather trilogy, anything with jack black, any concert related movie, wow, a lot of movies.....this is almost as rough as the music section. I love laughing and i love comedies....but i do still dig seeing someone getting the crap scared out of them. O.O
House M.D., David Letterman, Seinfeld, Conan O'Brien, John Stewart, Chappele's Show, South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, Reno 911, The Office(my fav.), Arrested Development, Metalocalypse.. also pretty much anything on adult swim.
I read all the time, I don't have any favorite authors really, cuz i do read a lot of books, mags, etc.
My family, my friends, and anyone who has helped me in any way try to get ahead. you're awesome.