Hello. (:
I am Ellie.
I am generally a bouncy, joyful person,
which is why it's weird and uncommon to
see me sad, but when I am, I really am.
My friends make me happy.
Dead, dead happy.
I love my family.
I even like school.
I love the majority of my sixth form.
There are a few who I do not like,
but I am civil.
I dead hate being in someone's bad books.
I really don't like it when other
people are sad.
I always go for the wrong people.
You know that "they like you,
but you don't like them" and
"you like them but they don't like you"?
That is the story of my life!
I say "lol", ":)" and "dead" too much.
I'm dead nice (: and dead talkative
I can be mean. I don't mean to be!(:
[email protected]