I'd like to meet people who don't want to change me into the person they think I should be. I would like to meet people who will take me as I am even with all my faults and shortcomings. I want to meet people who know what integrity is. I want to meet people that know that trust is a good thing and that being a player just gets people hurt. I like to meet people who have some common sense. I want to meet people who won't run over someone else to get what they want. I want to meet people that realize that just because someone hurts you, it doesn't give you license to hurt them back. I want to meet people who don't like to start rumors and who don't like to try and ruin other people. I want to meet people who are honest, fun, and just basically good people. I have already met several people just like this. I'm looking forward to meeting more.
PROFILEANGELS.COMWhether in friendship or in love, trust is paramount. Lying destroys trust...destroyed trust destroys relationships...destroyed relationships destroy hearts.