116289523 189451802 83617562 Anthropology, nutritional ecology and biology, sub-Saharan Africa, economics, world politics and history, photography, cartoonery and drawing, cooking, gardening, world literature and art, independent films, and music. Watching freaking American sports--I was raised by a football fanatic. Travel that has as little to do with American narcissism or unfettered bourgeois consumption as possible. Ridiculous do-it-yourself adventures. Staying alive with or without the cooperation of assorted essential organs. And so on. And so forth. Indeed.
I like all kinds. I am the opposite of a misanthrope.
All of it. Or as much of it as I can manage, which is a freaking lot.
Elephant, Atanarjuat, Trade Off, Denti, Little Senegal, Touching the Void, Lost in Translation, The Usual Suspects, Full Metal Jacket, Dead Man Walking, Fog of War, Dead Man, The Last Emperor, On The Waterfront, Maria Full of Grace
Laura only watches TV with her third eye.
The Places in Between, Catch 22, Les Miserables, Meditations in an Emergency, In My Hands, The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk, Invisible Man, Blue Highways, Five Chimneys, You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train, and The Oresteia. Yes, the Oresteia. I always was an Aeschylus fan. You got a problem with it?
A dynamic assortment of people. Emile Habibi, Randy Shilts and Irene Gut Opdyke--RIP. Helen Thomas. My father.