About Me
I am just the guy you have never met yet on the other hand you may already know me.. You may call me Shack aka ShackFooie - -- The sun is burning all my mistakes into my memory - when all I want to do is forget about them. Forget about what beat me down, what made me open the bottle and climb in turn into a cork head drifter who's guided by nothing directed only by sin and sunshine and all that could possibly be. It's getting to the point where I'm walking down the road or rolling down the line- maybe coasting seaward after humping the Continental Divide and in my mind and heart, I'm just a chicken scratch ahead of all my troubles, one teardrop away from remembering my past. I have problems and they're on my heels like a a pack of mighty bloodhounds and if I don't cross the right river or climb the right tree, that big pack of slobbering dogs is gonna catch up to me and if they do, I know they're gonna push me down- face first into the dirt... but it don't matter 'cause I ain't gonna let them catch up to me ain't NO WAY in hell. I'm a scenery bum with too much to see, to many picnic table conversations and right-time milkshakes to keep my mind off that. - THAT. - All of it disappears on the midnight ghost train, that highballin' stingray train of manifest that's bringing me farther and farther away from any one of those towns where my heart got crucified and any other place where they didn't care enough to understand me or they weren't patient enough to let me be myself. In the end I hated them for hating me. So I lost everything and everything that wasn't lost, I broke into tiny pieces. Now there is only one thing that will keep the dogs off my heels, the rhythm of ramble-- the possibility of the Golden Gates that never come... All that time on Love's slippery highway, behind me. All that that time on trial with Cupid's wicked bow - behind me. I hadn't had that much heartache in my entire life but it was a kind heartache and it was for the better. I could have checked into the Depression Motel but I didn't. I let my letdowns be bygones and appreciated the fine desert air. I guess life isn't always kind. I guess love doesn't always express itself through beauty. It can flower all right, but can it regenerate itself after it's dead? well that was my wonder. But I'll tell you one thing. If love can be stolen it can also be restored. I will look up at the same moon as you every night. No matter what I have witnessed with cynical eyes, I still see diamonds on the horizon. I see my dimes turning to quarters and my old ways finding retribution. You get what you ask out of life and that's just an old simple truth. There it is..---- .... This is for all you Liberal Protesters!!////////.... A friend of mine once said:--()
- I Fuckin hate dumb bitches, so if you happen to be one and you know it don't bother. We've got you in this fuckin' movie to exterminate every single lunatic all at once with a filtering system of God. We're the psycho-semantic police, you can't even see us. How in the fuck can you do anything about it? We're pure intelligence, you're not. You're a biological product of a cosmological universe. You're molecular matter, I constructed you, Fuck you. I made you up, you didn't make me up, you got it backwards. You know who you are? You're fuckin' semantic blockage, that's what made you up. You're a fuckin' programmer named Christine Gontara. You fucked up. She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She's gonna get her second chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she's gonna go straight to Hell, she will not pass Go, she will not collect $200 - she'll never Fuckin' win. She's the cunt that thought she was a god, but that's OK, I don't give a shit. As long as she sucks me off when I tell her, "Cause she is my Zombie". I captured that mother fucker, and she's my cassette tape. I insert her when I want to. I want that cock sucker to send me at least fifty-thousand fuckin' dollars. If she can't do it I'll try ten. If she can't do that, I'll try five, but that's it. Not a cent lower. If you got a dowry of five thousand dollars, come out here and suck me off, do what I tell you, when I tell you from now on, then you can join me for eternal time.---///