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About Me

Ikke siden Svartedauden seilte inn vågen i Bergen i 1349, kan en så dyster landeplage igjen komme fra byen mellom de syv fjell. Svartediket er uten tvil det drikkevann i Norge som har flest liv på samvittigheten. Fra tyske bokførere under Hanseater-tiden til israelske agenter, har mang en sjel endt sitt liv i, eller ved, dette mytiske dik.
I 2005 begynte arbeidet med å lage et musikalsk teaterstykke som på en sterk nok måte kunne fortelle Svartedikets historie. Resultatet er blitt cd'en Svartediket, a true norwegian black metal musical, som utgis av Svartediket records. Cd'en, som består av 19 låter, er en utfordrende blanding av black metal, klassisk musikk og viser.
Ut av Svartediket vokser en ”horrorhistorie” om svik, hjemsøk og fryktelige vesener. Publikum blir tatt med på en ferd som utfordrer teaterets formidlingsevne og hever bergensk historikk til et universalt språk. Stykket har samtidig en moderne moral om å gi ens barn det beste av omsorg og oppvekstvilkår, men berører likevel grusomme handlinger og vanskelige valg i de voksnes verden.
Teaterforlag i Danmark og Tyskland har vist stor interesse for musikalen og tror at stykket, etter en premiere i Bergen, vil ha markedspotensial langt utover Norges grenser. Her ser man for seg to ting på en gang, nemlig videre/større eksport av Black Metal, samt fornyet interesse for teater blant unge mennesker.
Kunstnerne Arild Brakstad & Arne Longvastøl tar en stor personlig risiko når de fra egen lomme satser penger på et prosjekt som kanskje avdekker en av hovedårsakene til Giardia-epidemien i Svartediket og om hvordan bergensere siden sent 1800-tallet har ”drukket de døde”
Not since the Black plague(“Svartedauden”) in 1349 sailed into the harbor of Bergen, a new black plague shall be spread in Europa. The Norwegian black metal capitol Bergen has with great success been hiding for its tourists the fact that the towns drinkingwater Svartediket(” Blackgulch”) is the “golden gate” for suicides.
In 2006 a local plague broke out and over 1000 people got very sick. The local authorities told the citizens that it was bacteria called ‘Giardia’ that they had found in the drinkingwater of Svartediket. Desperately they tried to hide the fact that this bacteria is caused by decaying of corpses.
The citizens of Bergen has been ‘Drinking the dead’ for a long time and its the main inspiration behind SVARTEDIKET...a true norwegian black metal musical. Historical evidence indicate that until late 18th-century they used to drown unwanted children in the water. With this grim plot in their minds Arild Brakstad and Arne Longvastøl in 2005 set out to make a project that could challenge both the theater and Black metal scene.
Having the ambition to rise above local theater scene the artist found as they ‘drowned” themselves into the making of Svartediket that the story had profound parallel’s with japanese horror style and also could give an deeper explanation to where all this black metal kids from Bergen has risen from (....the dead).
Shipping the finished play of to Danish and German theater agencies gave the answers we where hoping for..:” this is an musical that can have a big crowd in Europe. Not only because of Black metal but because it raises an important question..How the hell are we treating our children in this sick world?”
We therefor proudly present you this CD containing 19 songs with Norwegian lyrics being the soundtrack to the future theatrical piece SVARTEDIKET...a true norwegian black metal musical!
In a valley so dark
a water so deep
a child weeps

My Interests


Member Since: 2/29/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Sounds Like: Interview with Svartediket in Bulgari
Interview with Svartediket in Devilry Interview with Svartdiket in april issue Rimfrost
Record Label: svartediket records/ INDIE Distribution
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Intervju i Studentradioen Bergen med Arild Svartediket

Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:07:00 GMT

Urban Legend from Svartediket: The Boy on the Ice

............ .r{}@font-face {font-family:Tahoma; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:1627421319 -2147483648 8 ...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 13:02:00 GMT

New pictures

Trailer pictures....
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:20:00 GMT

Ny sang lagt ut på myspace.

Der Tod Des Edelsmans
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 12:34:00 GMT

Bulgarien Interview with Arild Svartediket in English!

Hello,Since Svartediket is relatively unknown / yet J/ to our readers, would you tell us more bout how do you decided to create the band and why exactly decided to create black metalmusical?Hello to ...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 03:01:00 GMT

The Urban legend of Dikdine

 .. --> @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->"Dikdine" The story of Dikdine began circulating in the early 1900s. As a consequence it is not among the ol...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:34:00 GMT

Urbanlegend from the grimest water in the world:Svartediket

Schluggstein-Matja (from the German Schlagen and the Norwegian stein-stone)Schluggstein-Matja has to be Norways most infamous midwife. She lived in Bergen at the end of the 18th century and was to ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 15:42:00 GMT

svartediket lager kortfilm!

svartediket teaser
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 13:15:00 GMT

Where to buy Svartediket CD for foreign fans!
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:11:00 GMT

CD anmeldelse på
Posted by on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:03:00 GMT