KIMBERLY :] profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hii My Name is KIM :]
I attend CPHS. My Birthday is April 2nd. I am Very Content with my Life as it is. I was Blessed with the Best Family && Friends on this earth, Including My Boyfriend Henry Tello. My Main Music Genre of Music is Old School Rap && Hip Hop :] I Can Sing && Dance. Never In My life have I Drank, Smoked or Used any Drugs, But Don't me Wrong, I can Party Hardy! I'm Generally The Nicest, Coolest, & Most Hyper Active Person On the Face of this Planet & Could Care Less of what Anyone Thinks Of me!
Renay Roberts.
We think about you EVERYDAY.
&& Theres not a day that goes by where we don't think of you.
Rest Easy Girl.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Revelation 21:4

My Interests


MY Family.

I Love my family with all my heart. No Matter What May Go on Through out the Day, The week, The Month, Or The Year, at the End of Each day, This Family, MY family, is Still Here.My brother is a SMARTY pants at UCLA. Hes like , my GOOOOD laugh, i can have the best time with my brother, even if its taking a trip to Starbucks. My Parents, who i may argue with Sometimes, Mean so much to me. My parents Care for me , And if it wasn't for them Loving me like they do, I wouldn't Be as Bright as i am Right now. I Thank God For all My blessings, and i Thanks God For my Parents, && My Brother.

My Boyfriend.

Henry Tello:) This guy Right here , is Litterally, My Everything. This guy,is My Heart, My Mind & my Best Friend. Never in my LIFE have a met a guy who Takes GOOD care of me, and Is NOT afraid to tell all his "HOMEBOYS" , that he Loves me. I Carry him in my spirit everyday. If i'm away from him for more than an hour, i CANT STOP thinking about him. I Pray for him MORE than i Pray for myself, && his Smile, His Smile Makes My day Alright. I Truly Love this guy. God finally answered my prayers. Everyday, he Shows me how much he Loves me, and it gives me the biggest appreciation for him. After everything he has been through throughout his life, I Hope I made some Kind of a difference in it. Because He has made a big impact on mine.

My Triangle of TRUST.
These two right here, Michelle && Big Mike, They Mean So much to me. I Love To Roll With These Two. I can Trust Them Both with my Deepest Secrets and ALL of my Problems. If it Weren't For them, My life would be so Dull. Michelle, She has been my Best Friend && sister Since 7th grade. we Never Argue or fight. Me and Michelle Have been through similar issues, but she has been my ride or die through it all. i don't know what i would do with her. shes a DORK! BIG mike, He my absolute Bestest Guy Friend ever. ME & mike talk A lot over the phone & text and stuff. I can also trust him with my life. Mike takes care of Michelle and i, even though He beats us UP! haha Anyways, Mike knows how to cheer me up, and we don't really have any mis-understandings. Missy && Mike Mean so much to me, && i Thank the Lord i Have them.

My Dancer Chicks.
These Girls are a Load of entertainment. B-Moore && Brich are the two Partner Sisters. hah their Dancing is amazing, and i'm sad to see them graduate. Me && B-moore tried out together && shes one of my Besties. B-rich, Shes MY wifey, We are Getting married :) Shayna And Kelsey are Blackest White people i know! They know how to make me laugh sometimes. && they Both Got that Talent. NOW CATHY, she is like my truest & honest friend. If i never had met her, i seriously would be in a Lost mentality right now. she is talented, && Her and I do a lot of things together. I can tell her everything, i love her! i Love all these girls with all my heart && i don't know what i would do without them.

MY Cousin Crew.
Everyone Single One of them Mean The world to me. I Thank God everyday that i have cousins like this, to entertain and enjoy my life with. Sharmaine, Shes a KooKoo Head! i Love her to death, she makes me laugh and I Love Spending The weekends at her & Sheryl's house ! now Sheryl is my Ijyot! haha Sheryl has her blonde moments. She takes care of me & Sharamaine...... sometimes! Nahh But I enjoy hanging out && talking with these two chicks! i cant see a weekend without them! Myleen is cool and shes very artistic, i love eating her food. Mafel , shes DA WAN! even though i never see her, shes apart of our family. we are all thankful to have met her, because we would Have Boring Lives. && Shelamae, well....Shes Bye! hahaha But im so Glad to have All Of MY cousins, They are the Reason I Love Life, Because they Show me, life is Worth Living For.

I'd like to meet:

Heller !