26/1/09As you all may of known, the janes have decided to call it a day. Mitch is off to travel the seven seas and we all hope he comes back in one piece. As for the rest of us who knows what will happen :)We would like to thank everyone who gave us a listen, came to our gigs, slagged us off and all the rest.new projects will come soon enough so look out for some more life loving :)Catch us play our last ever gig at the roadmender on Friday the 30th on January with Danny Conners and co.Were getting wrecked, wrecked like when a train crashes into a hospital full of new born babies... an absoulte mess. Trainwrecked. We hope you do to.a bahThe Nicola Janes:)We are The Nicola Janes a four piece indie cindy band from Northampton. We have been together for about a year and half now and so far its been pretty decent. We like to think we can now safely say that The NJ's embrace everything about Rock & Roll, INCLUDING THE MUSIC BABY!!!
Thankyou and goodnight.